Girlfriend weight gain stories

Love's Eternal Round

A love letter from my imagination to the belky of a lover   More ▼

In the Devil's Pocket (a Philly Story) [free Preview]

Leo knows that he's a feeder and an FA, but when he meets a young woman who is into light BDSM and role playing, worlds collide, breaking him out of his comfort zone.   More ▼

His Betrayal

A vain, deceitful young man gets the ultimate punishment from his scorned girlfriend after “cheating” on her with a good friend. Magic f/m, warning: gets extremely dark and abuse occurs and childhood abuse is mentioned. Co-author desperately wanted!   More ▼

Shaped Like a Heart

A recently rediscovered Valentine Day vignette from long ago. Inspired by someone special I once roleplayed with back when I was a slender feeder.   More ▼

Ashley's House of Growth

Tifa’s Gluttony Materia

Final Fantasy VII fan fiction, taking place after the events of the game. Contains rapid weight gain, blob sizes, clothes and building destruction. And head canon. XD (Artist is ExponentialMass on twitter, commissioned & shared w/ permission)   More ▼

The Runner Gains

A super buff wife, who's a runner gets injured and laid up, but her amazing appetite has her getting fat.   More ▼

Chase Bank Card Points and Pounds the Sequel

After meeting with friend over lunch and her revelation that's she gaining weight. Carol decides, with her boyfriend's encouragement to gain weight too.   More ▼

Fantasy Date at the Buffet

Chase Bank Card Points and Pounds

This dialogue is based on a television commercial for a bank card. Two women as discussing one dating over a just finished meal.   More ▼