Sexy weight gain stories

Domestic Bliss

*1-2 chapters added daily is the goal** Domestic discipline, force-feeding, weight gain, mind control, and multiple pregnancies. Gradual build that includes adult sex scenes. Consensual relationship.   More ▼

Fall Quarter Kelsey  

The continuing story of Kelsey’s journey to self acceptance. Will she grow to accept herself? This is her struggle with being true to herself and doing what makes her happy.   More ▼

Tubby Tommy  

Tommy loses his resolve one he gets involved with a girl fascinated with his ever changing physique. Follow his ups and downs as he follows whatever gets the biggest reaction from her.   More ▼

Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others

When a former fat girl is forced to return to her hometown she discovers that you can't always leave the past behind.   More ▼

The Dangers of the Internet  

My Big Fat Crush  

Luke meets Natalie, a high school friend who just so happened to have had a huge crush on him. She appears to have plumped up quite a bit since freshman year, though. Credit for the cover photo goes to "Maxtaro" on DeviantArt.   More ▼

The Reunion  

Two old college friends reunite after years of being apart and confess their attraction for one another. He's an FA, she's a BBW who's gone through transformative weight loss. Will she let him fatten her back up?   More ▼

Tricia's Choice  

Tricia works as a nurse in a busy hospital by day and is attending online training by night. Her life is upended when she falls for two attractive men simultaneously. Torn between her two lovers, she she must choose just one of these polar opposites.   More ▼

Her Developing Man

(Completed) The changes a husband finds in his body concern him at first, but maybe he isn’t against her taking a more controlling role. A man can’t stay hard forever. *This story was requested/suggested by another user. Trying something new.   More ▼

Flipping the Switch

After Jen finds out about her boyfriends fetish, she begins to enjoy the power it gives her over his arousal. But how long will it be before indulgence turns to excess, and power becomes too intoxicating to relinquish.   More ▼