Mutual weight gain stories

Cole and caleb

Shy twink Caleb piles on the pounds at the sneaky encouragement of his "straight" cruise buddy Cole. What happens when two young guys quarantine together with unlimited room service and a bag of Jamaican weed? COMPLETE   More ▼

Unfinished business (part two)  

A woman discovers herself as she embraces her own hedonistic desires and immerses herself in the world of feedism and polyamory. This is a multi-part long form narrative.   More ▼

Gaining understanding

(weight gain, bhm, bbw) Ben has the tables turned as he begins to learn what gaining weight actually entails.   More ▼

The diary of an insatiable girl

A weight gain story written in the form of a diary.   More ▼

Double stuffed  

Two female feeders who are best friends come to a surprising realization about the new men in their lives that they've been fattening up.   More ▼

Its our turn now (yet another three chapters)

A professional couple decide that the fattening life is for them. However, he is in for a surprise and 600lbs is no limit.   More ▼

An adventure in the woods

Hansel and Gretel decide to spend some time toghehter but things go south from there. Will they be able to escape the witch?   More ▼


When Tracy summons a being of pure pleasure, she has no idea what it will awaken in her.   More ▼

The bet continued...  

The bet