Sexy weight gain stories

Tubby Toby

Ronnie was everything that Toby wanted to be: outgoing, spirited, and unbelievably fit. But, at an insecure 240lbs and 6"4, he was seemingly invisible to the girl. At least, that's what he thought. Maybe this group project will prove otherwise?   More ▼

10 Years Into the Future

Dahlia, a fit teenage girl, wants to know what she will look like in ten years. She will have the biggest shock of her life when she finds out. How will she handle it??   More ▼

A Goth Girl Grows Fat for the Demon Lord

A goth girl is kidnapped by the dark lord and fattened in Hell. It’s a bit of a slow burn so enjoy.   More ▼

Growing Desire

Ann slowly developed desire of fattening up her husband Eric. She became more dominate as her grew fatter.   More ▼

Island Woman  

Judy returns after being on a South sea island for over a year. She's now 81 pounds heavier. She confesses to participating in the unique eating habits of the locals and asks her old boyfriend to join her.   More ▼


Russell knows that he wants to get big, and Amos has no problems with that. In fact, he's more than willing to help.   More ▼

Turning the Tables (part One)  

He met the feeder of his dreams and he's getting fatter by the day. It's all too perfect, but something is missing - he wants her to get fat with him.   More ▼

Too Fat for Summer  

Allie a ditzy blonde bubbly girl is everyone’s dream girl. But a few pounds gained on vacation catches everyone’s attention except for hers.   More ▼

Stories for Death Feedists

A random assortment of M/M weight gain one shots that may include immobility, health complications, daddy/son roleplay, and other dark themes. Art by Gooordo of me.   More ▼

Unfinished Business (part One)  

A woman discovers herself as she embraces her own hedonistic desires and immerses herself in the world of feedism and polyamory. This is a multi-part long form narrative.   More ▼