Sexy weight gain stories

...woman of of Your Dreams  

An Embarrassing Gut

A bbw grows a big gut during lockdown. Then meets a BHM who loves to stuff her to her limit.   More ▼

Short Stories - Graphic Immobility & Real Experiences

I have been writing shorter stories for my tumblr, since apparently most people don't have the attention span for my longer ones. Due to how short they are, I have put them all in one story on here. Enjoy!   More ▼

Mary's "big" Day

You Gotta Learn to Fit In  

Mia and Me

Mia has resorted to stress eating to get through the semester - and I, as her advisor, get a front row to the whole show.   More ▼

Melting Point

Caught in the flames of a burning summertime lust, two lovers lose themselves in indulgent excess. Softer feedism, FFA emphasis, slow burn. WIP as of 1/18/22   More ▼

Resistance Is Futile

What happens when someone already prone to laziness and excuses finally decides to indulge?   More ▼

Porking (up) My Cousin

After reuniting with his cousin, who turn up to by a nymphomaniac, our protagonist decides to fatten her up.   More ▼

Gold Digger Got Bigger

A gold digger get more than she asked for as our protagonist spoils her rotten.   More ▼