Hypnosis weight gain stories

Epicureanism Erotica: Eating for Me., Eat From Me, Eat to Please.

There are so many ways to say eat for me... but how about we let My muffled moans beneath your increasing weight do the talking. One... more... bite.   More ▼

The Drider's Den

A peasant girl is kidnapped by driders and taken back to their nest to be fattened up for yet unknown purposes   More ▼

The Trap Trap

A slutty femboy gets more than he bargained for when a jealous girl decides to get revenge on him for stealing all the guys   More ▼

Blackbear's Log

These are the voyages of Captain BigBlackBear. Some SFW, Some...Not so SFW. My mission: To boldly go where no bear has gone before ;)   More ▼

Samples for the Sow (teaser)

Fat Tuesday and to His Feeder Mistress

For 2022 Fat Tuesday!! Two shorter works - a 69-word erotic story about female gainer during Lent and my BHM take on "To His Coy Mistress." Hope you enjoy one or the other!   More ▼


She couldn’t help herself anymore: Her belly has started to grow, extending even more…   More ▼

Princesse De La Nourriture

This is a story inspired by a long time friend that lead me into the feedee lifestyle please enjoy   More ▼

Biggest Glutton in the World

Open Wide

A size contrast feeder / feedee couple enjoy a never ending multi-course meal together that takes place through out a very long night.   More ▼