Sexy weight gain stories

Beyond Boundaries - the Awakening of Mia

AI Generated Story: Discovering Ethan's secret passion for voluptuous women, Mia's life takes a sensual turn. Intrigued and aroused, she experiments with clothes padding, exploring newfound desires and self-liberation.   More ▼

Oeco and Aline

One night. Two strangers. A spark. He, drawn in by her magnetic beauty. She, a master of the seductive game. A chance encounter orchestrated by fate, promising a memorable and sensual evening... [Complete]   More ▼

Journey Past a Prop

(Work in progress, chapters 1+2 of 8 complete) After she injures herself playing rugby, Lizzie's body changes, so the way she plays does too. Chapters will be long, each one spanning one semester, just FYI.   More ▼

The Princess and the Dwarf

a (for possible good reason) untold tale of middle earth. An 8 part epic of an elven princess and a very fat dwarf. See my story list for books 2 thru 8.   More ▼

Pig Punishment

When Ellie stuffs herself silly for two weeks straight while her boyfriend’s away she’s in for a punishment when he returns. “If you wanna act like a pig then I’ll treat you as one.”   More ▼

It’s for Your Own Good Preview

Hedonism (complete)

Mayoral Office

In a bizarre science fantasy setting, Alicia accidentally enters an authority position in which an entire community exists solely for her pleasure. Image by Noxcuro on Deviantart.   More ▼

New Fetish Unlocked...

A film celebrity discovers some interesting depictions of them on Rule 34, which creates a brand new awakening...   More ▼

Max and Nica

Max goes away for work for a few months and comes back a changed man. What will his wife say?   More ▼