Sexy weight gain stories

Stacy Feeds Lara

Breeder Feeder

"In a future of self-contradicting liberties and lies, lines between human and animal, freewill and no will, blur in disturbing fashion." Sci-fi hybrid slavery with feeding, sex, and weight gain. Actual description on first page.   More ▼

Till the Fat Lady Sings

Just a bit of Victorian smut, bit dark in places. The career and life of a rather weighty member of a travelling theatre company. Very liberal w historical accuracy.   More ▼

Life on the Road

A young woman without direction embarks on a new career, but will this career have lasting impact.   More ▼

Over the Years

The Headmistress Ritual

The headmistress takes a special interest in a struggling student... and her expanding waistline.   More ▼

The Fattened Bratty Catboy [commissioned]

This is a commission off Discord. Totaling over 13,000 words, this follows an adult "catboy" (male human with cat ears and tail) gaining weight with his girlfriend's help.   More ▼

Queen of Hogs

Closeted feeder, Misqueen Duchess, steps out of her comfort zone to explore her sexuality. Find out what feedism means for her - the good, bad, and ugly.   More ▼

Belly Literary Universe

This is a long series about bellies, weight gain, and romance. It has light Sci-fi elements along with some mysteries. Later in the series more POV character arise as well   More ▼

Give and Take

A little scene between a female feeder and male feedee as they go at it, teasing one another, and more. Hopefully some fun dialogue to boot too. Enjoy!   More ▼