Sexy weight gain stories

Fun Fat

A romantic vignette which can be read in many different ways (FA, FFA, BBW or BHM). Narrator & subject are gender ambiguous so anyone can put themself in this tale. Oh, to be in love and gaining fun fat! Or having your lover gain fun fat for you!   More ▼

The Pirate Queen

The Lustful Gut 2

A continuation of the story The Lustful Gut. Please see the other story if you haven't read it yet, as this is a sequel. In a slightly different world than ours, a man is forced to represent the sin of Lust and is obsessed with fat. M|M, sexual.   More ▼

A Great Pandaren Banquet

A self indulgent silly feedist fanfic about Azeroth, a mage, and the gorgeous fat men she meets on her adventures.   More ▼

The American Dream (a Short Story)

A girl named Kaylee managed to live the life she wanted to in her college, after she moved out of her strict parent's house.   More ▼

The Lariat

Fantasy court drama, lesbian romantic interests, forced proximity, enemies to lovers, and they were roommates. Yktv   More ▼

Slobby Love

A couple takes vacation time to live out their dreams (My first Story)   More ▼

Hot Fudge Cake

A sweet tooth leads to oral pleasures in bed, as the narrator grows fat between your thighs. Can be read as lesbian couple with BBW narrator or straight couple with BHM narrator. Chapter 3 is my poem which inspired the story.   More ▼

The Switch

In the world of BDSM and feeding, things are not always what they seem. (Ambiguous genders, instead of what’s listed, so all may enjoy this, unless, of course, you have something against bondage, sex and feederism.)   More ▼
