Sexy weight gain stories

That's Show Business, Baby!

Cherry, a curvy redhead cutie, is invited to audition for a fetish porno and she quickly gets carried away with the dream of becoming a porn star.   More ▼


Female Feeder X Male Feedee

Third person POV. Includes both dominant/submissive male feedees and dominant/submissive female feeders. Originally from my AO3. Some stories are reskinned versions of stories in other categories.   More ▼

Ashley and Bill

The Homewrecker (free Preview)

A loving couple moves into a new neighborhood with their soon to be bundle of joy expected to come any day now when the next door neighbor comes to greet them and immediately becomes attracted to the husband.   More ▼

Missy Shagwell Cia Agent

She is a character from the Austin Power's movie series. She seduces or is seduced by Fat Bastard (Mike Myer in a fat suit). She is repulsed by him in the movie, but what if she wasn't?   More ▼

The Redhead Next Door

A shy neighbor has a crush on the new girl next door. Where this story will go, I haven't decided yet. I'll be open to any suggestions.   More ▼


Personal briefing on important report leads to even more personal encounter. This story focus is heavily on belly stuffing. Be warned.   More ▼

A Fat Girl Grows Fatter

A Feeder for Christmas

Old story I had on my previous account that was popular. Personal shopper for a YouTuber realizes she likes feeding her client.   More ▼