Sexy weight gain stories

All Hands Below Decks


Raina Wilson, Continued...  

Meet Me at the Vending Machine

Waking up to find he'd spent the night with his boss, Ruth and her secret sexual appetites, Silver must work out whether an office romance could work, even if it is just to further his career   More ▼

Cheesecake and Manboobs

Mutual gaining erotica inspired by my personal night of Thanksgiving gluttony and lust. She desires his soft round moobs, but can she resist the temptation of cheesecake and his fattening encouragement?   More ▼

The Bath We Shared

Just a sensual vignette with romance, candles, bubbles -- plus a bit of fattening and feeding!   More ▼


A big-bellied BHM with a feeder girlfriend gets the stuffing of a lifetime, for which he is greatly rewarded afterward. *This is a censored version of a longer and more explicit story available only on my Patreon.*   More ▼

Gainer's Life Circumstances

Growing into my true and happiest self happened as a natural progression and reaction to the circumstances of my life and I am happy they did.   More ▼


After taking in every drop of milk in that plastic jug they broke out the chocolate syrup and I do love chocolate down it went! Delicious rich syrup being drizzled down my throat. No matter how tight my belly was getting I STILL wanted more   More ▼

The Convention

Inspired by Feedee Pig. Taylor is invited to a convention that will transform her in more ways then one   More ▼