Sexy weight gain stories

Talking Dirty to My Eclair

This is what happens when you get your sexual appetite mixed up with your appetite for pastries. A 69-word erotic story...and a bit more!   More ▼

Atalanti's Good Boy

Atalanti, a beautiful and strong Amazonian woman finds a lost boy and decides to take him under her care. Vaguely inspired by Greek mythology   More ▼

Jennifer and the Two Week Cruise

The In-call: Part 2

After meeting back up with his fatter escort a bhm turned ssbhm enjoys sex with her   More ▼

Gaining Favor

1st year college student Alice Andrews so embarrassed by her gain. Ta make tings more complicate, she got crazy crush on mythology professor. But strange, yay more she gains, yay more he pay good attention a her. It hot, people. & she no stopping eh.   More ▼

The Reunion

You return back to town for your highschool reunion and reconnect with an old friend but she has changed a little since you last saw her and she has a secret to share   More ▼

What You Want

A submissive feedee's adoring declaration to a dominating mistress. Femdom feederism at its finest, as I grow fatter.   More ▼

Short Story - for Feeders Only

The Story Ebony and her Want's to find a long term partner, that eventually turn into her over-indulging in the things she previously set aside due to a busy but successful work life.   More ▼

How I Hate Cheerleaders

Lily and Dre were once best friends, but her loyalties lay elsewhere, and her decisions will have devastating consequences.   More ▼

Don't Leave Me Again