Chapter 1 - Parts 1 - 4
PART ONE - Marty’s ReturnMarty and I are two bro peas in a pod. No homo. We both act the same, do the same job, we work the same, live in the same bro pad and look the same. Well, that was before Marty went to Mexico.
Marty was going to a resort in Mexico. I couldn’t do so as I didn’t have enough vacation days saved. We had the same job as Editors for a newspaper company. We both were editors of the Sports and Racing section.
So, when my buddy Marty came back from his month-long trip to Mexico I was filled with happiness and a bit with envy. Marty looked a bit different when he came into work. He looked relaxed, he looked kind of fat. I saw that his shirt was straining from his new vacation weight.
When I realised, I raced to the fashion section grabbed a random dress shirt in a Medium and came back and gave it to him. “Present.” Marty asks “Return that Dominick. Didn’t you already give me a present?” he gestures at Marty’s pile of papers stacked on his desk. I add “Your shirt, Tubby. It is too small for your gut big guy.”
He looks, takes off his blazer and shirt and puts on the new shirt along with the blazer. He adds “Better?” I reply “Yeah” with two thumbs up.
I don’t think until that point Marty noticed his weight gain by that point but by his expression he didn’t care.
About 2 months went by until I realised that Marty’s weight gain was still there.
We were press at a golf event. It was in the middle of summer and Marty sweating like a dog with his formal clothes. But it was when we went to the bar. He took off his soaked shirt for a cold drink and the chubbiness was on full display.
Marty and I were still the same but, he was now just bigger than me. I’m fine with that by every means. Marty and I spent our days reporting and nights at the bars like always. We’d always have the time of our lives.
About a year goes by Marty is bit heavier than the year before.
Marty and I were at the bar as per usual when a short hot chick take notice at Marty. It was almost weird as I became the chick magnet after Marty got chubby. I asked her why she was interested in Marty, and she said, “He seems more friendly and softer and not a player.”
Marty was around the same amount of action as me yet. The chicks were hotter. I asked Marty after that chick left. “Bro why do all the hotties come to you?” He adds “It’s because of this.” He slaps his tiny and barely noticeable pot belly “This makes you look like a good guy bro.”
I laughed at him. “Yeah right.” I made my coffee and eggs and went to the gym. That whole week it was on my mind. THE FUCK is that a chick magnet. My guns are chick magnets, my abs and V are chick magnets not that. He stopped the gym on that stupid idea.
On the Monday after the gym, I head to my desk when I walk past one of our lifestyle writers a total hottie Kelsey. She was writing this article called ‘Dad Bods. The Secret way to find the GOOD GUYS.’
I asked Kelsey “Kels, is this true?” she nods and then grabs her rough draft. Then adds “Can I have your perspective as a male. It’s kind of bland.” She adds “Your guns might be obsolete to some already… that’s not me though.” She pokes my left bicep then writes something on the draft… It was her number.
I read the top stating [I’d like to see how good you are at endurance sports guy?] with her number. I stated “I’ll Call ya”
I read that article through and through. It all made sense, I even did a test at a bar with myself, and Marty and I came home with no one, and Marty did a quickie in the bathroom then left with a different chick. That player!
I called Kelsey later that night but, not for a nightly rendezvous. She answered in a low tone “Hello?” I replied “Hey Kels, It’s Dominick.” She replies “Hey” I replied “Your article. It is true.” She asks, “What do you mean?”
I informed her about the night and Marty’s hotties, and she was ecstatic “Fuck YEAH! I can’t believe that it worked, and Marty must be proud” I replied “yeah… he just finished being proud with the second chick.”
Kelsey sent me the completed article. I read it through and all of it was proven. From what that chick said about Marty and everything.
After our conversation I went to bed thinking about what that day had uncovered.
PART TWO – The Article
I did. My daily routine as usual. Brekkie, Gym, Work, Clubbing, Sex and Sleep.
I really thought that article was true and would help bag a great hottie but, I am still a journalist, so I wanted to make sure that the article and Marty’s hotties weren’t a once a time fluke.
I am going to get rid of my guns… kind of. I found a fat suit. I took out to model Marty’s size. Kelsey and hopefully the editor-in-chief would love the first-person piece. Kelsey was on board for helping me.
We went to 25 random bars across the city on 7 separate nights with some with and without the suit. Fuck that week was a RAGER. But The fat suit brings in more hotties let alone hotter chicks.
So, Kelsey and I both finish the article. It summarised the investigation and our findings and a statement stating that I’m cancelling my gym membership. We sent it to the editor-in-chief.
Kelsey was so proud. She needed some substance for her story and in I came to add perspective, substance, investigation, and personality. The editor-in-chief loved the article. She wants it to be the main article of the next week’s issue.
It was the first time either one our articles were on the of a major newspaper cover.
One Month goes by
People love the story. I had started to lose muscle mass but, I didn’t care at this point. Kelsey and I were being interviewed and our article made the newspaper’s number one top-selling issue. Marty was happy that the two of us could spend our Saturdays and Sundays watching TV rather than me at the Gym.
But one of those Saturdays we had to go back for work. I came back earlier than Marty. It was the first time I really was able to go to his room. I wanted to steal one of his shirts and a pair of pants as I wanted a back-up just in case, I get too big for mine.
I grab the shirt when I hear Marty open the door. He probably doesn’t know that I am in his room let alone stealing a shirt let alone a pair of pants. I hide in the closet when Marty enters his room. He exits and enters another room and says “Dommie!” realising that I didn’t respond he enters his room again.
He closes the door and looks under his bed. I could see with the sliver of light, and he grabbed a box. I couldn’t see what was in it but, he grabs something out of it. Then he goes to the kitchen. His footsteps on the tiles stop. Then the fridge opens and closes instantly. Then I hear the blender. Which hasn’t been turned on for a month.
I grab the shirt and pants and make my way to my room. For good measure stay in my room. He was still in the kitchen which I know cannot see the doorway but, still just for good measure.
I was very confused about what just happened.
PART THREE – Marty’s Rise
About 3 months ago by
My muscles have lost all definition, but I still had a flat stomach. It’s been like this for a month, and I don’t really care about my weight anymore because Marty has ballooned up.
He has probably renewed his wardrobe twice within the 3 months yet, he has a girlfriend named Erin.
She is hot as fuck, and I don’t think she notices let alone cares about Marty’s weight gain. I don’t even think Marty has comprehended how massive he’s gotten.
I don’t know how it happened. Marty and I eat the same food. He sometimes eats less than me but, looks like he swallowed a medicine ball. He’s probably gained 35 or so lbs. The man’s massive.
I still have been going clubbing and bagging the sexiest chicks at the bar. Kelsey and I both hit the clubs to see who we can fuck. The two of us are good friends and, she gives me the tips on how to bag the hottest chick. Only if I give her tips for bagging the hottest guy.
One Month goes by
I was meant to spend the week in New York State for a fluff-piece. Which I was glad ended within a day because it was dead-end. I knew that ‘Where baseball mitts and where they come from’ was a bad idea but, the editor-in-chief wanted it in the next issue.
So, I got all I needed which was nothing and made my way home. Leaving my car at the apartment building garage and walking to the local bar.
I came with a chick from the bar on our way to my apartment. As I open the door, I see Marty naked on the couch looking ginormous with food all-over his massive stomach. Food, beer, and sodas all scattered over the floor, couch, side tables, dining table and coffee tables. His hands holding a near empty gallon of ice-cream tub with 2 stacked under it.
Marty maintains eye contact with me while FULLY ERECT, my chick just sprinted out of the apartment building. I close the door softly then turn at Marty.
“Martin Sorrentino, What the fuck are you doing! You fat FAT stupid idiot! You have become an asshole who doesn’t care about anyone let alone yourself. Turing yourself into a morbidly obese cow! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY APARTMENT WITHIN 24 FUCKING HOURS YOU SHIT HEAD!”
Martin rummages for his underwear among the food waste and puts it on. The boxers are near fully covered in food he remarks
“I like myself just the way I am. You tried to but, you still hate it. Look at you, you said you’d embrace life and quitted the gym, yet you still diet non-stop. You also know fully well that you can have ANYONE and yet every night after another one-night stand. Which leaves you sobbing knowing all you want is a relationship yet, you are the one to choose like every night to sleep with somebody who’d forget your face by next Tuesday. Dominick, I was always thinking about my life, and you are in it. But you haven’t thought about yourself yet.”
I gave Marty a hug. Knowing fully well that he was listening and knowing about my life, and he was doing what I was looking out for a friend but, he was much better at it that I thought he was.
PART FOUR – The Epilogue
I started looking for girlfriends. I deleted and redownloaded my dating apps. Putting a focus on relationships and that’s it.
One Month later
I didn’t remember the last time I wasn’t on a diet. Probably when I was 15. But the weight was sticking. I didn’t want to get too big but, I didn’t want to be too fit but still be healthy.
I had a tiny amount of fat that was enough for it to jiggle on my slim and flat stomach.
I went out on a few dates, but things are going promising with a woman named Flora. She’s a teacher who is my type but, she also wants a relationship like myself and loves a good night out on the town.
I also started getting along with Marty’s Girlfriend, Erin. She likes how Marty is size wise. She said that she likes her when people not care about their waists but rather, important things. That’s what I realised. Why did I try to focus on things that don’t matter in the long term?
That was the mantra that I stuck with.
5 Years later.
I look at the photographer’s screen after a photo is taken. I see a
A massive ~285lb and 5’8” Marty in a tuxedo throwing up his now wife a short and starved Erin in a wedding gown in the air. Her gown going with the wind behind a large ~235lb and 6’3” Dominick in a suit embracing an average heighted and weighted Flora in a dress next to a tall and slim Kelsey kissing her boyfriend as she’s cradled by him a super-muscular ~195lbs and 6’5” Jake.
The wedding finished and Flora and I made our way home. We moved out of the apartment to a home near the city centre for my job and Flora’s school which are within walking distance of each other. Flora is now the Principal of the Private school, and I am now Co-Editor-in-chief sharing it with the man who just left for his honeymoon and the woman who was cradled by a man who looks like a winner of a top firemen calendar, calendar competition.
Flora and I make our way to bed and sleep, I spooned her like always as we enter a calm slumber.
I realised that I love my life. I have my dream family, friends, love, job, and memories that feel like they were plucked out of my dreams a mere 5,6,7 maybe 8 years ago.
I knew that wasn’t all to do with that article but, I wouldn’t have worked with Kelsey, I wouldn’t have stopped the gym to spend more time with Marty, I wouldn’t have had that moment with Marty that made me realise what I want in life, I wouldn’t of have the big story with Kelsey and, I wouldn’t be making memories rather repeating them like I did the years before.
That’s what I have been doing ever since Marty came from Mexico.
My friends became my family, I made new friends, I found love, I focused on my career, I made amazing memories And I had some good times!
I love myself. Also, I do love playing with my big giggly ball shaped gut. And going to sleep and fucking the same lady is amazing.
Contemporary Fiction
Friends/Family Reunion
Fit to Fat
First person
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years