Belly filling fantasies

Chapter 1 - Unidentified Impregnating Object

In the heart of a sprawling city, nestled between steel skyscrapers and neon-lit streets, a mysterious shadow descended from the heavens. The night was thick with silence, broken only by the distant hum of cars and the occasional flicker of streetlights. As the clock struck midnight, a looming alien UFO materialized, its sleek, metallic form casting an eerie glow over the deserted city block below.

Within the UFO's metallic core, a pulsating light emerged, flickering with an otherworldly hue. It targeted a row of townhouses lined along the block, each window revealing a scene of unsuspecting women fast asleep in their beds. The beams of light, thin as threads of silk, slithered through the glass panes and reached the exposed bellies of these women, bathing them in an ethereal radiance.

At first, the women stirred uneasily in their sleep, as if sensing a presence beyond the realm of dreams. Then, with a sudden jolt, their abdomens began to swell, lunging upwards and outwards expanding while the flesh grew ever taut to the touch and shiny like balloons under the alien illumination; stretching the fabric of their nightclothes, creating a grotesque sight of distorted well fattened flesh. Breathing heavily, each woman began to shift restlessly in their beds, united in this alien presence, a sense of unease permeating the air. As if orchestrated by this extraterrestrial force, their hands instinctively moved to their bellies, feeling a strange warmth radiating from within while their fingers danced their rubbing action in perfect sequence.

Grow. Wobble. Jiggle. Jiggle. With each sudden, violent jolt of newfound maternal energy, the once curvy women were transformed into distorted figures, their bodies now grotesquely swollen and fattened beyond recognition. The women would awake with a start, their eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and terror. Unconscious touching of their distended bellies, became frantic gripping and downwards pushing of the palms, feeling movement beneath their trembling fingertips. A sensation of life, of alien life, pulsated within them. Kicks and squirms echoed through the silent night, accompanied by the unsettling sloshing of fluid.

Panic set in as the women realized the enormity of their situation. They screamed, their voices reverberating through the silent streets, a symphony of horror and despair. Their bodies betrayed them, transforming before their eyes into vessels of unknown creation. The once-empty rooms filled with the echoes of their anguish, a haunting melody of fear and helplessness. An utter symphony of distress and labored moans echoed through the still night. One of the women, named Beth, clutched her distended belly in disbelief, her eyes wide with fear. "What's happening to me?" she cried out, her voice trembling with a mixture of shock and dread. Another woman, Sarah, struggled to sit up in her bed, her hands shaking as she felt the unnaturally firm flesh of her now swollen abdomen. "This can't be real," she murmured, her voice filled with disbelief. "It's like something out of a nightmare."

Outside, the alien UFO simply hovered in solitude and silence, a witness to the chaos it had wrought. Its mission for such invasion actions to mankind had been made crystal clear, despite its intentions and reasons quite unfathomable to human comprehension, but overall the objective to rounding the belly completed and then some as even the full moon the illuminated the sky in its pearl glow looked even more plump and juicy like a succulent gray peach. The beams of light continued to surge across the city block, seeking out more unsuspecting victims, more women to subject to their mysterious power. And then, as suddenly as it had arrived, the alien UFO vanished, leaving behind a city block forever changed. The women left with their swollen bellies and the memories of that fateful night…
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 month , updated 1 month
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