Chapter 1 a Daisy starts to bloom
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Chuck smiled and said “Good! It’s a good thing I want you to be a super chubster too.” Daisy rolled her eyes and said “I’m serious damn it!” to which Chuck said “So, then I’ll be dead serious. The most serious I can possibly be.” Daisy motioned Chuck to continue so, he said “So, if I get you food will you put out more?” and Daisy hit Chuck in the chest with a back hand, saying “Uhg, pig.” To which Chuck grinned and said “Aaahh, but that isn’t a ‘no’ now is it?” before smiling even harder. Daisy put a hand on her forehead as she sighed and Chuck, clearly on the edge of laughter, said “What? What could be more serious than a question about whether I can have a happy future?” before snickering again and adding, “this is a matter of life and death! Well, of making life anyway.” the doorbell rang before Daisy could hit Chuck again. Chuck excitedly hopped up and said “Food’s up! You want to try stuffed French Toast right?” to which Daisy gave him a confused look and said “Wait, how?” Chuck spoke as he took off towards the front door, “You said you wanted to try it when the ad came on a couple days ago.” Daisy murmured, “That wasn’t what I meant.” Before shaking her head and taking off towards Chuck.
Chuck could move fast when he wanted to, and there was already two plates on the table with French Toast. As Daisy entered the room he said “So, I remembered that you wanted to try these and ordered them for us right before our little talk,” and pat the seat next to one plate before sitting at the other, then Chuck said “And I’m sorry for making jokes at your expense,” then took one of the two slices of stuffed French Toast off of his plate and put it onto Daisy’s, saying “Here, I’ll make it up to you. I’ll be a good, supportive boyfriend and support your dream. Like, even if it’s a weird dream. I don’t know if you can ever hit six thousand pounds.” And put his little baggie of syrup by Daisy’s as he said “But I’ll help you to be the biggest that you can be.” And stood up. Chuck took a step toward Daisy and kissed her on the cheek as he pat her belly with one hand and said “Now come on. Let’s get this as big and full as we can. You’ll need the energy for bed later.”
Daisy thought to herself. God, Chuck is a sleazebag, but he might just be the one guy I’ve met who actually gets it. He actually wants to support me in doing what I want. She sat down and poured some syrup over a piece of French Toast before cutting a bite off of it. Chuck said “See, adding more calories to it before you even know the taste. You’ll be a whale before you even know it.” Daisy tried to suppress the urge to roll her eyes. Tried and failed. But she found herself grinning as she did. Daisy shook her head as she grinned and said “I’m gonna be so damned fat with you. Aren’t I?” which elicited a laugh from Chuck, who calmly said “As fat as you want to be babe, as fat as you want to be.” As Daisy put the first bite of French Toast into her mouth. Chuck said “straight to the action! I like that.” But in all honesty, Daisy didn’t even notice it beyond a vague awareness that he’d spoken. Instead her mind was on her food, on her stomach, and on her fantasies of gorging herself immobile. She wasn’t full yet obviously, it was only one bite. Only the first of many she thought to herself as she cut the second bite off. These things were good. They combine all the tastes and textures of an ordinary slice of French Toast with a strawberry filling that was sweet and creamy to the point of being overwhelming, or close to it anyway. As she ate Daisy couldn’t help but think of what was happening to her body now. This thing was sugar upon sugar, a dense little calorie bomb practically designed to make her fat. So it was a great place to start. Daisy was vaguely aware that Chuck was eating his breakfast too. About a third of what she had in front of her now. It was a thought that excited her to no end. Daisy couldn’t stop smiling as she took her next bite, and she didn’t want to.
Chuck had his own dreams. He wasn’t lying when he spoke earlier, he actually did like bigger girls, but that wasn’t his number one turn on. No, it held a firm second place. First and foremost for him was quantity. Chuck wanted sex, and a lot of it. He was pretty up front with his desires. When he didn’t have a partner in bed Chuck would touch himself two or three times a day. A habit he’d picked up in high school and, at thirty two still had no desire to slow down. No, he just wanted to make it real. Chuck was an extremely open minded, forward thinking type, who very much wanted Daisy to be fulfilled. But he was also a shameless horndog who wanted to be the one filling her in more ways than one. So, Chuck was very much attuned to what women want. Well, to when they were turned on anyway, since that’s what HE wanted. Because of this Chuck noticed every little hint and sign in Daisy, signs that all screamed that this was the hottest thing ever. As Chuck finished his piece of toast, and Daisy did the same with her first Chuck realized something. He wanted to play with Daisy, to make her enjoy herself even more. Both his selfish and selfless instincts drove him toward the same goal here. So Chuck stood up and calmly walked around to Daisy.
At this point Daisy’s mind had become an endless broken record. It played “More sugar, more cream, more syrup, more butter.” And so on. Even if the words were different it all translated to one thing. More fat. She began to blush deeper and harder, her face turning a deep red rather than it’s usual, olive tone. Daisy tried to stuff the second half, okay,
more like 70%, of a slice of toast into her mouth all at once. She failed, but she got a pretty damn big piece into her mouth before being forced to call it and bite off what was already there. Before she could even start chewing came Chuck's voice, “Hungry little piggy. Aren’t you? Wait. Are you turned on by that word? Piggy?” Daisy laughed, she bit down hard on the food in her mouth to avoid spitting any out as she did. In doing so she snorted, eliciting more commentary from Chuck. “Hahaha, well, I’ll take that ad a ‘yes.’” Daisy had no clue whether he has honestly believed that was what she’d meant, or if he was just making a joke. But either way, he was right. She didn’t particularly love degradation normally, but this was something special. Daisy had always drawn a perverse glee from insults like that. ***, pig, whale, even stupid B.S. like “lamdwhale” ended up turning her on. Though she had to admit her favorites were always the dry, clinical terms like “obese,” because, in the end the one thing she loved about them all was simple. Daisy loved getting recognition of her fat, of her growing body, and now she did more than ever. Now it was a sign of her entry into a new life. A life of excess gorging, a life where people wanted her to honestly try to reach her dreams, even if they didn’t believe she would ever weigh several tons, they would support the effort. Daisy felt Chuck crouch down a bit as he brought his face beside her own and said “God, you’re just going to town on all of that, aren’t you?” Daisy felt a little twinge of excitement flow through her and nodded as she swallowed. So Chuck continued, “Maybe you really will hit six thousand pounds, nah. You'll be six tons one day.” He had just doubled the number, on some level Daisy recognized this was just silly enumeration of an arbitrary dream. But on a much more base level she loved it. Daisy moaned slightly, not even realizing what she was doing till she was done. Chuck said “This really DOES turn you on, doesn’t it?” so Daisy nodded again as she took another, syrup soaked, cream filled bite. Here Chuck did something very forward, something that Daisy probably would have opposed if she weren’t already so horny that she couldn’t think straight. He put a hand on each of her breasts, and started to rub her chest through her top, just over her nipples.
Now, Daisy liked nipple play, she tended to touch her own when she had too much alone time. Not just when masturbating, but that too certainly. So, now, while shoveling food into her mouth, while thinking of how she was beginning on her trip to enormity, while damned close to finishing already to be honest. Daisy gave off a muffled moan through a mouthful of French Toast. She swallowed then said “You’d better not just be teasing me.” In a voice halfway between a stern teacher and a porn starlet. Chuck said “Of course not I intend to make you just as cream filled as the French Toast the moment you’re done eating.” Daisy was mildly annoyed by his words, but then dragged right back to desire by his next phrase. As Chuck continued to rub her chest he whispered into her ear, “Then we can get you more food. Then we can go at it again, then you’ll eat more. That’s all you have to do. Leave the rest to me, I know you want to be a spoiled fatty who does nothing but feel good.” And Daisy hit plate. There was nothing left to eat. Well, nothing but Chuck anyway. Why am I thinking this? She wondered. Then thought of the food she’d eaten, and Chuck’s hands on her chest, and her fantasy of living in a life of idyllic pleasure as she got fatter and fatter, becoming an immobile mass of fat unable to do anything but eat and get off, swirling downward in an endless vortex of hedonistic pleasure. “Oh, that,” she mumbled and stood up to feel the contents of her stomach sloshing around. On some level she felt that should be a deterrent to doing things. On a much stronger and more primal level it just made her want it more. Daisy grabbed Chuck by the hand, pressing it more firmly into her chest before saying “As nice as that feels, I think we can do better.” To which Chuck said “Well, if bigger is better there’ll be plenty of both,” patting her stomach and taking off towards her room, “time for this fuck boy to earn that title.” He said with a snicker. Daisy stood up and mumbled, “You’re lucky I’m too horny to just clobber you. . .” as she went off to the bedroom.
When Daisy got into the room Chuck was already completely nude, and seemed keen on making Daisy match, as he pulled down her pants and underwear as she took off her top. The moment the’d finished Daisy did something she’d never thought she would. She gave Chuck a salacious kiss and said “You gave me my wildest dreams today. Do what you want.” Chuck was on top of her before she finished and said “What I want is you. You a thousand times. So be careful what you offer.” Than he returned her kiss and tossed his girlfriend onto her back in bed. Daisy giggled, and said “Okay, but I’ll need another meal like that each time though. I’m only super horny when I’m super full really.” Chuck just thought about how she wanted to be thousands of pounds. He liked where this was going. He crawled on top of Daisy and said “Well, then I’ll have to keep my little fatty nice and full.” Daisy wrapped her legs around Chuck’s torso and said, “Do whatever you want, just keep talking.” And Chuck began to insert himself into Daisy. She gasped “Yes.” Softly and Chuck decided to talk as he thrust into Daisy. “Such a nice, soft piggy, and you’ll only get softer as you get bigger.” Daisy repeated “yes time and time again as Chuck spoke. “You just wanted to eat all the time right?” and Daisy nodded as he bounced her, Chuck continued, “Well, then you’d better get used to eating while we fuck, because that’s what I want.” And Daisy nodded again, “Yeah, done.” She wanted this too, and would let Chuck do this a thousand times, as long as he kept feeding her while they did it. As she gasped Daisy thought about how her body jiggled and shook again. It would have a lot more jiggling as she ate. “So fat,” she moaned as she put a hand on each breast, Chuck began to go harder and faster as Daisy repeated “So fat,” imagining herself blowing up to the point of immobility, then she kept growing in her imagination. Just as her fantasy self hit six thousand pounds Daisy heard Chuck say, “Fatter than that, you aren’t even halfway there.” And Daisy’s mind went back to Chuck saying six tons. She finished 9n that thought, with Chuck continuing to swim in the thought of how fat she would get as Chuck finished. Once he was done Chuck leaned in and kissed Daisy again before saying “And that’s the thinnest you’ll ever be.” God, she wanted to go again.
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
19 chapters, created 8 months
, updated 7 months