Buffet Mirage- Largetwink

Chapter 1 - Buffet mirage

In my university dorm I placed the last of my stuff. Kissed my mom and dad goodbye. I made it into an international university the place of parties, classes and clubs all away from family.
I start unpacking the boxes for a while until I look at my phone and realise the time. The idea that I was unpacking for 6 and a half hours is crazy still as I am telling this it baffles my mind. I knew that I wouldn’t need to work out for at least a week at that point from all the exercise from me walking around the 2-bedroom dorm and lifting heavy boxes.
I got into my room and placed the stuff on my bed in a random box and went to bed.
This bed was really comfortable considering it was a dorm bed. But I slept so easily.
I woke up. I put the last of my things away which took a few minutes. Then I met my roommate. His name was Owen. He was sort-of thick. Compared to my chiselled abs and pecs. He was massive though.
The two of us placed his boxes in his bedroom and we made our way down to the cafeteria.

It had all of my most treasured, favourite and/or, forbidden foods.
It had unlimited refills on beers, coffee, smoothies and soft drinks.
It pays to study in a nation where the universities have bars
{DAT here – My university in Aus. has 2 bars on the campus so get jealous Americans!}

I ate non-stop for 45 minutes. Owen he was a great guy but, no one can compete with Beer, Cake, Ice Cream, Bacon and, Lasagne for BREAKFAST.
I make my way back to my dorm to help Owen unpack. But that buffet was always on my mind.
The exact second, we finished I made a mad dash to the buffet cafeteria. Skipping Try-outs for soccer my most beloved sport.
So, I grabbed a seat grabbed 3 plates and filled them up with the most ludicrous and flavourful foods.
I ate for an entire hour non-stop. By the end I looked down and I had a stretched and large torso. I was happy because it was filled with amazing foods. And not dry Christmas Ham nor tasteless Turkey from Thanksgiving which we were forced to gorge ourselves on for our family. But REAL food.

Weeks go by and I made a deal with myself that I’d only have something again if I have had EVERYTHING. That kind of shot me in the foot.
Every week I always got so close to having my favourites again to the point where I’d stuff myself with insane amounts of food just to do this.
This made me rank and chose foods like I am on Death Row or when a person released from prison. Picking what foods I would eat when I am on the other side. Just to say it will be a food that is so majestic it’s too good for heaven.
I got pretty annoyed with this though. So instead of giving up and eternally eat Cake, Ice Cream and French Fries. I asked Owen if he could come up with a solution.
He knew my personal deal and he realised something that he could do. So, at Week 12 he started feeding me. At week 12 in university, I finally got to eat the cake again. That week it was Strawberry Marble with a Honey glaze.
So, Owen helped me every day and in turn I’d do his homework for that day.
A few weeks later when he went home for the holidays, he couldn’t do it, I found other people to help. I realised these people were better than Owen so when I tried everything Owen and I would enjoy the best food.

One week I did it in 5 days. INSANE.
And a few weeks after that I was doing my normal routine with a guy named Brad.

I dropped a lava melt chocolate chip cookie.
I looked down from my plate and I see my torso. I haven’t really paid much attention to it, but I realised that it turned into a large gut.
I exclaimed “Where did my muscles go?” I turn to Brad and he asks “Muscles? That was on last weeks’ menu.”
I don’t think much, and I finish the cookie that had fallen on my leg. Then make my way to get my much-earned cake and give have a neutral face “What’s wrong big guy it wasn’t as good as you remembered?”
I reply to Brad “I have to go.”

I make my way back to my dorm and see myself sleeping. It was me on the first night. Boxes around my bed. I scream “Where are my muscles.”

I wake up.

I look around me and I see a clean room. No boxes. No problems. I go back to bed thinking it’s a nightmare until I see my torso. Which was a flat muscular lean machine and now is a mound of fat.

I turn to the bedside table grab a brownie, have the large piece in one bite and pinch myself.

“It was real” I stated out loud. I look and see a text message from Owen.

TEXT MESSAGE from Owen to Steve [What’s wrong I heard yelling.]
TEXT MESSAGE to Owen [It’s fine. Bad dream.]

He places his hand on his large rotund gut and rubs it until he is back to sleep.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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