
  By Growingsofter  Premium

Chapter 1

Most of Casey's life up to the point of her high school graduation had been pretty awesome by most peoples standards. Casey was beautiful, popular and of greatest importance to her mother Anne's wishes, very slim.

At her core, Casey knew she didn't care much for exercise but at her mother's insistence, the girl was constantly involved in multiple team and individual sports, not to mention that she kept up with very strenuous daily weightlifting and cardio routine.

As a result, Casey had a body that most girls her age envied. Casey had didn't have the perfect body, but she maintained a decent shape to her 5'6", 110lb frame. And while she stayed relatively thin and fit, Casey often lamented never being able to develop the washboard abdominals like the Hollywood types she tried so desparately to emulate.

Even running daily and doing one thousand sit ups a day did nothing to remove the last remnants of "baby fat", as her mother called it from her soft waist. The rest of Casey's body was evenly proportioned, with the young woman sporting a decent sized chest and a relatively narrow waist.

Casey's legs however took after her belly and were thicker than she liked, with people often describing them as "athletic", instead of just being honest and saying that she was naturally bottom heavy.

She'd gotten scholarships to go to some of the best colleges in the world, but decided to stay close to home. She would have stayed at home to save money on board but Anne was just too demanding. Plus, Casey wanted to seriously pursue a career and psychology which in her mind meant quitting sports and devoting more time to the books. However, Casey also knew that if she stayed at home, her mother would insist on her constantly working out, and would of signed her up for a few different women's leagues including soccer and ice hockey.

Casey somewhat enjoyed playing team sports, but to be honest she was just burned out from, years of constant exercise and calorie counting. Casey wanted to spread her wings and have new experiences. Hell, she'd never even had a beer, but she decided to change all of that once she went "away" to college.
19 chapters, created 5 years , updated 3 years
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