Chastity pig - part 6

Chapter 1

The fatty was panicking a bit now, but he was so horny now that it was overpowering the fear. His tiny dick pulsed in the cage, as he stood in front of the mirror. He was so turned on by his own blubber filled body , he loved how huge his belly and boobs were. He wanted to make them even bigger and fatter. He stood there and rubbed his big soft belly and moaned.
“Enjoying yourself there fat boy, you better not cum in your new panties” his master said and laughed.
His master walked over to him and pulled down the fat boys skin tight leggings revealing his pink panties.
“look at that you naughty fatty, you’ve already got pre cum on your new panties. I’ll punish you later for this” his master said and slapped the fatties belly and pulled up his leggings.
“lets get going fatty, I can’t wait to show you off”
His master them grabbed a handful of the fat boys belly hang and guided him to the front door, he opened the door and dragged the poor fatty out by his big belly. The fatty couldn’t believe this was happening, he was now out in public with tight shiny lycra clothes on and his big fat bare belly on display. He felt the cool breeze touch his exposed blubber.
“Damn fat boy, you look even fatter in the day light. You look like an obese porker, look at that blubbery pale belly. Anyway let’s get going, I thought that before we get you a bra we should fill that huge belly of yours up first. I can’t let my fatty go hungry”
They started walking down the street, the fatty was constantly conscious of his massive belly bare hanging and wobbling around , the feeling made him so hard, he could feel his little dick drip pre cum. Once they walked a bit the street started to fill up with people who most of them were shocked and horrified at the huge fat man walking around with his blubbery bare belly showing . Some people started laughing at the fatty, pointing and shouting things.
“Hey porker, cover that fat gut”
“What a fatty”
“When was the last time you saw your cock fat boy?”
“Look at his huge tits, can you suck on your own nips”
The fatty blushed as his master laughed occasionally slapping and poking his fatties belly. He was enjoying the reactions from the people, he knew they couldn’t help themselves. Everyone loves to laugh at and tease a fat boy.
After about 10 humiliating minutes of walking they reached a McDonald’s. By now the fatty was sweating like crazy and breathing heavily. The smell of food was drifting out the door , the fat boys belly grumbled loudly. There was a bunch of people standing near by, they looked shocked at the fat boy standing there, they couldn’t take there eyes of his huge belly.
“Thats a big hungry belly you have got there fat boy” his master laughed and grabbed a handful of belly fat and jiggled it in front of the people. They laughed at the poor fatty, who s face was bright red with embarrassment. One of them said.
“You better get the fat boy a burger before he passes out” the guy who said it laughed. Him and a few of the others walked over. They looked like the kind of guys who went to gyms and kept fit.
“ That’s one huge belly. It must be hard to find a t-shirt that can cover up such a big fat belly huh fat boy”
The muscly guy grabbed the huge belly with his strong hands and jiggled it around. He lifted the mass of blubber and feigned exertion.
“Jeez your a pig, you need to get to a gym before this belly pins you down, it’s so heavy. It must take some effort to carry this huge overfed belly around. Those boobs are massive too, damn” he dropped the belly and grabbed the two big fat man boobs. The fat boys boobs looked so big, fat and shiny with the skin tight lycra over them.
“Its just like grabbing a pair of women’s tits, have a feeling” he said to the other guys who took turns feeling the huge fat tits. They had a feeling of the fat belly too.
The master just stood back and smiled at the display. The fatty just stood there trying g to get his breath back while these studs were feeling up his blubbery body.
“Nice pink panties too fatso” one of the guys said. They all laughed at the poor humiliated fatty.
The fat boys belly growled again, they all laughed.
“We need to head, but before I go take this” the first guy lifted up the fatties left boob and slid a card under it and dropped the boob which jiggled like jelly. The weight of his fat tit kept the card in place.
“I’m Geoff, I run a gym just up the road there. Id love to see this piggy work out sometime. Are you two together?
“Yeah we are together, i love me a big fat boy” said the fat boys master and rubbed his bare belly.
Geoff laughed and started to rub the fatties belly too.
“I’m into fat boys too, there so cute and squishy. I could play with there big jiggly bellies all day. Id hate to be fat myself, but I love to see other people big and fat. I see a lot of fatties at the gym. I love how they are all embarrassed and shy they are about their big wobbly bellies and boobs, it’s so cute ”
“It’s a shame you have to go, I’m about to stuff this fat boy. Then we are going to get him a nice bra for those huge boobs”
“Nice, your a lucky fatty aren’t you. I hope you two come by the gym. I want to see those fat boobs and belly again, I especially want to see your boobies bare”
Geoff and the other guys left the fat boy and his master. His master took the card from under his fat boobs and laughed.
“I guess we will be going to the gym soon, I can’t wait to see you working out. It’s going to be so hot watching all this blubber bounce and jiggle around”
He rubbed and patted the fat boys belly who was just starting to recover from the walk. He really needed to sit down though, his feet were burning.
“Please....I need to...sit” said the fatty.
“Off course you do, it must be tough for those poor little legs having to hold up all this weight. Let’s head in fat boy. Look at all the looks your getting, wait till they see you stuff that belly of yours” his master laughed and they headed inside.
The fatty could see everyone in the McDonald’s looking at him through the window, they all looked shocked to see someone as fat as him with his bare belly exposed. He blushed and felt a tingle of humiliation flush through his body. His tiny dick was hard in it’s cage and was leaking a lot of pre cum, his panties felt soaked. As the walked through the door his master said.
“I want you to go up to the counter and rub your bare belly and ask for ten big macs and ten portions of fries. That will do as your starter fat boy”
The fatty was dreading this, he felt so embarrassed being on display like this, the whole restaurant was staring at him. Some of them started laughing and making comments, some were disgusted. The fatty walked up to the counter, his fat belly swinging and wobbling as he did so. The staff member at the counter was starting at his huge bare belly in disbelief.
“Umm could I get ten big macs and ten portions of fries please”
He rubbed his big fat exposed belly while saying it just as he was told. Just then his belly gave out a loud grumble that went on for a few seconds. The staff member was shocked at seeing this fat tub of lard standing there and rubbing his bare belly and asking for loads of food. The staff member smirked a bit when he heard the belly rumble.
“Do you want a drink with that?”
“He’ll have five cokes please” his master said as he appeared beside him.
“We will be sitting in too, if there is any chairs that handle the weight of him and his big fat belly”
His master smacked his belly and laughed, the staff member nervously laughed too.
“There are bigger chairs over there, they should be able to handle his ummm... weight”
The staff member was getting uncomfortable now, he didn’t know how to handle this situation.
“We will give it a try, thank you” said his master. They walked over to the table with the big chairs.
“I hope these chairs can cope with all your weight fatty. Did you see the look on that poor staff members face. He didn’t know how to handle a big fatty with so much belly on display”
They sat down on the chairs. As the fatty sat down his leggings got tighter around his big butt and legs and made his leggings even more transparent. Everyone could see that he was wearing bright pink panties. His master laughed and told him his panties were now visible to everyone. The poor fatty felt completely humiliated now, he knew though that it wasn’t going to end anytime soon. He was still going to get measured for a bra.
While they waited on the food the fatties master began to play with his belly. He poked, jiggled and slapped the big wobbly belly. The fatty could see everyone watching him, the sound of his huge belly being slapped kept attracting people’s attention. They looked disgusted at seeing his belly jiggle like jelly in the hands of his master.
It took a good while for them to make his order, the entire time his belly grumbled hungrily.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 1 month , updated 1 month
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