Dan’s beauty serum 1: claiming an indian bride


Chapter 1 - the perfect couple

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© 2020 SLDB

Thank you to everyone that has read the DBS series! This has been my first ever attempt at writing erotica and I'm happy to hear that some of you are enjoying the stories. I've used these chapters as a way to improve my writing abilities and really figure out my style, so hopefully the writing gets better with each new entry!

The beginning:

At 25, everything in Dawn’s life was going according to plan. Dawn had stunning looks that could stop any man in his tracks and had graduated at the top of her class from a great business school. And most of all, she had Dan, her wonderful fiancé who loved her very deeply. The only thing the couple lacked now was money, but Dawn knew it was only a matter of time before her fiancé invented a magical body-perfecting concoction that would make the couple incredibly wealthy. Dan had told her that he was on the verge of a breakthrough, so when she walked through the front door of their apartment and was promptly greeted by her smiling fiancé, she knew exactly what had happened.

“Honey I have fantastic news” Dan said, holding up a pink vial. “I believe I’ve finally perfected the formula! With any luck, the person that consumes this serum should begin to immediately transform into the essence of beauty!”

To Dawn, these were the magic words she had been waiting so long to hear. She could already see it now, just her and Dan going on extravagant vacations to the most exotic locations, having amazing sex all over the world, flaunting her hot body for the tabloids who would certainly want to know who the man that redefined beauty decided to marry. So when these magic words finally hit home, she only had one thing to say: “Let’s celebrate!”

The couple spent their evening going to the nicest steakhouse in town before proceeding to the most upscale bars where only the wealthy elite could afford the $300 cocktails. So what if the bill was $3,000? In a few months they would be rich beyond their wildest dreams.

Dawn knew that she was already incredibly beautiful so she had assumed Dan would never ask her to take the formula herself. Truth be told she was mostly looking forward to the wealthy lifestyle this new product would bring to them. When they finally made it home however, Dawn was so tipsy she failed to notice when Dan mixed a strange pink liquid into her champagne.

Now Dan truly loved Dawn with all his heart. They each grew up in the same small town and started dating each other when they were just teens in high school. In fact, Dan was so in love with Dawn that he ended up proposing to her on their prom night where she gladly accepted, though the two agreed to wait until after college before they would go through with the wedding. Naturally when it came time to decide on a university, they chose to move across the country and attend the same school where Dan majored in biochemistry and Dawn pursued a degree in finance.

Dawn was still committed to get married following their college graduation, but Dan had been having doubts since freshman year. To most people, Dawn was already the pinnacle of beauty. At 5’7 and 115 pounds the blonde bombshell already had the body that most men dream about. Yet unbeknownst to Dawn, Dan didn’t have a conventional taste in women. Dan thought he knew what he wanted in a partner when he proposed to Dawn so many years ago, but being raised in a small predominantly white town, he experienced quite a culture shock when he arrived on campus in the big city. In his engineering classes he encountered women of various shapes, sizes, and colors unlike anything he had ever seen before. Suddenly he found himself hornier than he had ever been in his entire life. Though he fought to suppress these urges, Dan knew the truth deep down, but he could not turn his back on the woman he loved and had promised to marry.

And so, Dan has been working for years to create a serum that would finally give him the woman he desperately desired. Dan originally told Dawn that the formula would transform anyone who consumed the serum into a vision of beauty, but what Dan had neglected to tell her was that by slipping one of his hairs into the formula, Dawn’s transformation would make her into his vision of beauty. Dan loved his fiancé, but he knew he couldn’t marry her in her current form. This was his chance to finally attain what he had waited so long for.

As he approached his fiancé on the couch, he gave her one last out before going through with it. “Dawn you are the love of my life. We have been through it all together and nobody has ever truly understood me the way you do. This serum is going to change our lives but before we share it with the world I have to ask; would you be willing to do anything for us if it meant we would live happily ever after?”

Dawn, tipsy and wanting nothing more than to marry the man of her dreams and live a life of wealth and decadence, looked deep into his eyes and replied “I love you with all my heart and I would be willing to do anything if it meant that I could spend the rest of my life with you.” And with that Dan smiled, handed her the glass, and replied “then let’s celebrate the beginning of the rest of our lives.”

With a toast dawn smiled and began to take a sip from her champagne glass, but the flavor was so engrossing she ended up downing the whole glass in one motion. The liquid went down smooth enough, but within seconds she could tell something wasn’t quite right as she felt a slight burning sensation that trailed down her throat and followed through into her stomach. She began coughing and abruptly dropped the glass before crawling onto the floor as the fiery sensation began flowing through every part of her body. Dan watched with anticipation from the couch before reassuring his fiancé that she would be fine. “It looks like I put enough of the serum into the drink. You’re going to be so beautiful honey, it should only be a minute or two before it’s done.”
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 4 years , updated 2 years
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Karenjenk 4 years
Ok.... you left us hanging... please... keep going