Demise of a Cheerleader (long)

  By Beeboz  

Chapter 1

4,236 calories.

It wasn’t a poor record. Her best so far, if truth be told. The pizza had been easy enough, ruthlessly followed with enough soda to bloat an elephant. She’d taken great care to make sure Alyssa’s glass was always kept topped off. She’d learned the less the bitch actually had to do, the better her chances of getting more packed into her. The ice cream was a bit of a challenge, but nothing insurmountable. She simply mentioned Christine or got Alyssa talking about her latest crush, which gave ample time for the frozen treat to melt. The clink of the now empty bowl upon the table top, mixed with Alyssa’s overindulged moans, was its’ own special reward.

The cookies, however, were the real challenge. Her initial goal had been an entire carton, but Suzy was now concluding that she had vastly overestimated how much Alyssa’s stomach had stretched. The fucking hog simply didn’t have room. Not yet. The most she could get into her was a full sleeve. Twelve medium sized cookies. Nothing to sneeze at, to be sure, but a far cry from where she thought they should be on her timeline. Improvements would need to be fashioned. Behaviors modified. She wasn’t concerned though, she’d still packed enough grease and fat into this sow to more than satisfy her minimum requirements. Overall, today had been a success.

Alyssa sat beached on the crimson couch against the far wall of the living room. Her eyes glued to the tv screen as one deep blue fingernail traced the ever-growing bulge of her pot belly. The meal had only made her small food baby more pronounced. Suzy guesstimated 165 pounds. A eight-pound gain since the first measurement. Solid progress, though she could do much better. She’d yet to find Alyssa’s real weakness when it came to food. It was definitely sweet, but she hadn’t had enough time to narrow it down. More research was required.

“Always writing. Every time I look up, you’ve got your nose in that dumb book.” Alyssa mimed holding a pencil with her left hand, and frantically wrote in the air, widening her eyes for added effect. Her dark brown hair and large tits bobbed with her exaggerated movements.

“We talked about this, Alyssa. I have to keep--“

“No, no. Proper titles, just like we agreed.”

Suzy exhaled in a slow, measured breath. Her blue eyes reflected flint and steel. “My apologies, we talked about this, my queen. I have to keep records to present to the cheerleading board of directors.”

Alyssa chuckled, leaned back on the couch, and grabbed a chocolate cookie from the nearby package. A smirk dominated her face as she shoved it past her lips. “Easiest money I ever earned.” Several crumbs fell from her mouth and were lost to her wide cleavage. “I can do fifty pounds in my sleep and lose it in the less than a year. Write that in your little book. Make sure Christine sees it.” She punctuated the sentence with a slap to her overfed middle, which bulged out proudly from unbuttoned jeans.

Suzy slid her tortoise-shell glasses back up the bridge of her nose. “I can assure you no one but the board will have access to my records. They assigned another overseer to Christine.” She flipped her pencil over idly in her hand and used the eraser earnestly on the page.

Thirteen cookies. Exclamation mark. Underlined.

“Who? Do you know?” Alyssa belched, full and deep. As she no doubt was.

“I haven’t been made aware, my lady. The contest rules are quite specific and I have but one role.”

Alyssa narrowed her eyes, then nodded before a smile crept back over her lips. “Lady, Yea, I like that. You can keep that one. It counts.”

“Your approval is noted.” Suzy stood and brushed off her black pencil skirt. “Now, can I get you anything?”

Alyssa's eyes lit up. She attempted to lean forward, but the pressure on her overstuffed middle stopped her in her tracks. She grimaced and then quickly reverted to a satisfied grin to hide it. Her long fingers wrapped around the empty glass on the coffee table before her before lifting it up and shaking it so that the remaining few ice cubes jingled. “Well, as long as I have a proper servant, I’d love a little more Pepsi.” Lifting her feet, she placed them on the coffee table, bloated paunch and breasts jiggling with the movement.

Suzy didn’t hesitate. “Of course.” She plucked the cup from Alyssa’s hand and made her way to the kitchen.

Thirteen cookies. Better, but still lacking. Eager to be served. She could play the role. If that’s what the pig slut wanted, then she would be all too happy to deliver. Her lithe hands opened the side pouch of her purse and withdrew two pills, waiting there. Shells of red and white. Both stimulants carefully researched and chosen for the occasion. They went into the newly poured soda with ease and dissolved with a few swirls of a spoon. Fifty pounds. What a joke. No, dear Alyssa, you’re going to fatten like a prized pig. How long do I have til you squeal? She continued to stir the soda, listening to the slow rhythm of the tinkling glass. Would she be so quick to smirk when she could barely hoist her fat ass off that couch? What about when those tight panties finally gave up the ghost under the pressure of her ballooning gut? Suzy imagined not, but no matter, she would be right by her side. There to offer whatever help she could give, and to make sure the heifer never stopped chewing. She raised the glass and examined it through the light. No discoloration. Excellent.

Here you are, oh queen of the pigs, long may you reign.

Suzy returned to find Alyssa slowly chewing another cookie. Her jaws working slowly, ever so slowly. A pained expression on her pretty face. No doubt the bitch was nearly stuffed to the brim. Good to see she was taking this seriously.

“It’s about time.” She took the glass from Suzy and took a small gulp before letting out another deep belch. “You’ve gone ahead and ordered a new outfit, right? I’ll need something a little bigger to cheer in until I can work the weight off.”

Suzy took a seat and crossed her long legs. “Yes my lady, I’ve already taken the liberty of ordering you a new outfit.” She’d done no such thing. If the time came, she would deal with that issue, but if her plan came to fruition the pig slut would be far to busy eating to even THINK of squeezing into a new outfit.

Alyssa fell back on the couch and groaned, both hands cradled her engorged gut. “God, I finally get to eat whatever and however much I want. These next six months are going to be great.”

Suzy watched in silence as Alyssa finished her glass of Pepsi and for the first time in her life she found herself in complete agreement with her.


Suzy drove home less than two hours later, an odd smile curling the corners of her lips. Her apartment was situated on the far side of town. Small, but suitable for her needs. Only one more year and she’d be out of school, on to greener pastures.

Her mahogany desk dominated one side of her living room. Large, stately, and arranged perfectly, each item had its place. Suzy was meticulous above all else. She slid her shapely ass into the desk chair and removed her heels. One hand kneaded the arch of her left foot. Next time, she’d form a plan that didn’t require such professional attire.

Marking another day off her wall calendar, she turned her attention to her black book. The creme-colored pages filled with notes. Copious notes. Alyssa’s habits, thoughts, words, and feelings transcribed in careful detail. Several corrections needed to be made, but overall the information she’d gathered had been most useful.

Alyssa had fallen asleep shortly after finishing the last of the cookies. Suzy had managed to get both entire sleeves into her after all. The stimulants were mostly to thank for that, of course, but Suzy’s subtle cajoling and limitless supply of compliments had also helped. By the end, the cow’s belly was tinged red around her belly button and the tender skin was stretched taut from the sheer mass of food she’s stuffed inside herself. She’d left Alyssa there, half-reclined and comatose on the couch, her bulging gut gurgling helplessly as it struggled to stretch and digest. Yes, today had been productive.

As expected, the email was waiting for her in her inbox. A single word.


— C

Suzy replied, though there was no need. They had an assessment meeting soon where she would go over everything in complete detail. Still… best to assuage any fears.

Productive day. Multiple goals met. More at assessment.

— S

To be continued...

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10 chapters, created 3 years , updated 1 year
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Justenjoy 1 year
Excited to see what kind of after-dinner activities these two get up to…
Justenjoy 2 years
Can’t wait for the next part!
Justenjoy 3 years
That was amazing! I hope this piggy’s appetite blooms into something more sexual as time goes on
Beeboz 3 years
Thanks for taking the time to read and I'm glad you enjoyed! And don't worry, your wish will be granted! smiley
Justenjoy 3 years
Definitely looking forward to the milkshake machine!
Beeboz 3 years
Above all else, this is a revenge tale. If you're expecting Suzy and Alyssa to fall in love you'll be disappointed. Hopefully that doesn't ruin it for you!
Justenjoy 3 years
Is this story going to blossom into a romance? Or is this one strictly feeding and gaining?