Growing Pains

  By Beeboz  

Chapter 1

“I may have overdone it.” Mila huffed as she glanced down at her distended middle. “I ate entirely too much.”

“No such thing. You’re a growing girl, after all.”

Mila looked up to find Jenny standing next to her bed with two plates in hand. She set one on the nightstand and pulled back the covers. She was looking better than ever; tanned skin and curves beyond compare, ending around milky white thighs and hips. The tank top hung loosely about her breasts, barely containing the two vast spheres and keeping them from spilling over the sides of the cups. Her firm tummy stuck out just enough to provide an inviting bulge along the centerline and, below, a light patch of hair lead downward and out of sight.

Her face had filled out as well, but not so far that she didn’t look like herself anymore. There were still traces of her soft feminine features: high cheekbones, full lips, and a tiny upturned nose. But Mila knew it wasn’t only Jenny’s physical appearance that had changed this past week. Even if you hadn’t known what was going on between them, you would’ve been able to see how close they’d grown as roommates.

Jenny placed one plate before Mia and set another by the bedside table. Mila took the first bite without hesitation, chewing slowly while Jenny watched intently, taking in every move.. It felt good to have someone watching her eat. To be appreciated. They had never exactly been apart during meals, but now there was something different in their interactions. Something more intimate. Mila could feel Jenny’s eyes roaming over her body as she continued to eat, and it turned her on immensely.

She finished off the last few mouthfuls quickly, wiped her face with her napkin, and glanced back at Jenny. This time, when she saw those big blue eyes staring straight into hers, she couldn’t help but smile.

“You know, we haven’t really talked much since the other day, have we?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… you said it yourself. We went from being roommates and friends to this... whatever we are.” Jenny paused, a glimmer of uncertainty crossing her features.

Mila reached out, brushing some hair behind one ear. “I’m not sure what else I can call us right now. Friends seems like such an obvious answer. And yet...” she trailed off, letting the thought hang between them for a long moment until finally leaning forward slightly with a quiet belch.

“Yet?” Jenny asked,

Mila smiled, then leaned closer still, bringing her lips close enough to press against Jenny’s. There was no fear or hesitation, only desire. “I think just friends isn’t quite right either,” Mila whispered.

For several seconds they sat unmoving, locked together in the gaze of each other’s eyes. Jenny didn’t pull away, instead slowly tilting her head toward Mila’s. They kissed once, soft and gentle, then again and again, building intensity with every pass. Their tongues met hungrily, exploring each other. Jenny pulled back, panting, as she looked down at Mila.

“I’ve been thinking about you ever since yesterday. Our kiss. The way your tongue tasted. How warm your body felt.” Jenny palmed a handful of Mia’s belly chub and a small moan escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and ran the tip of her index finger along Mila’s bottom lip.“How wet you were getting. Fuck, it was hot watching you stuff that entire pizza into your face. Piece after piece. You couldn’t get enough, could you?”

Mila swallowed hard, trying to keep herself under control.

“So yeah, I’ve been thinking about it all night. About kissing you and touching you and…” Jenny pressed her fingers to Mila’s cheek and traced the contour of her jawline.

Mila wanted to stop her, to tell her that it wasn’t a good idea. But the words wouldn’t come. Instead, she found herself leaning forward, pressing her lips to Jenny’s. Again, it was gentle, tentative, but despite her inexperience, it felt good.

When they parted, Mila exhaled softly and rested her hand on top of Jenny’s. Her body trembled slightly where their skin touched, and she let out another sigh. “How does this work? What do you want to happen?”

“Simple. I want you bigger.”

< br>Mia let out another lingering burp and glanced down at the remaining feast that filled the dining room table. She hadn’t known what to expect when Jenny had brought up eating more food, but she’d certainly never expected something like this. Not only was there enough left for two meals (maybe even three), but it looked as though the red head had managed to gobble herself so full she could barely think to move, much less stand.

The dining room chair groaned under her weight, and she let out an embarrassed laugh. She always knew she was a bit bigger, sure, but now… now she felt downright enormous. And yet... she couldn’t help wondering if she could get any bigger.

“I think I’m full.” Mia said with a lopsided grin.

Jenny playfully patted her strained belly before circling around behind Mia. When she next spoke, her words came out low and husky. “Get enough, cherub? Stand up.”

Mia took the cue and stood from the table. The movement didn’t seem to be particularly difficult. In fact, aside from some soreness in her upper thighs, she felt great. Gorged like a stuck hog, sure, but good. For what seemed the first time, she felt the weight of her packed pot belly pull her forward as it protruded outward before her.

“Mmm. You look packed to the gills.” She ran one finger down the exaggerated curve of Mia’s stuffed dome. “I’ve done a number on you. Your appetite is back in full force, isn’t it?” Jenny asked.

“Yeah.” Mia smiled and gave a half-hearted chuckle. “I ate better than I have in weeks.”

Her chuckle, however, faded after a moment, and she turned to look out over the table. It was so strange how different she felt just hours ago compared to now. Everything seemed somehow better. Easier. She stared at the piles of empty plates and silverware.

A few weeks earlier, she wouldn’t of been able to finish near this much. But then, her dress probably still fit. But things were different today. She’d eaten until she thought her belly might burst, and in doing so, not only had she made Jenny happy, but she’d also earned herself a new toy. That was worth celebrating.

“Do we need to put the rest of it away?” Mia asked.

Jenny shook her head. “No. You’ll take care of it later.” She gave Mia’s gut a delicate squeeze, causing the stuffed red head to groan and quickly belch. “Let’s go upstairs. I want to show you your present.”

Mia grinned. “My present?”

“Yes. Come on.” Jenny led her out of the dining room and upstairs toward the bedroom. When they got there, she started rummaging through the dresser in search of the surprise. Jenny’s bedroom was lavish with a large walk-in closet, normal considering the size of the place. Still, Mia couldn’t help but feel the tiny brush of claustrophobia when she walked the narrow hallways.

Finally, Jenny pulled open the bottom drawer and produced a small shoe box. Her pair of jeans clung lovingly to her round ass. Mia couldn’t help but blush as she watch Jenny turn and bend down to pick up the box. Her shirt rode up and revealed the tops of her thick thighs. Those legs, those gorgeous, shapely legs…

“We’ll call this your ‘fat girl’ box.” Jenny winked.

Mia blushed a deep red and looked away. She hated the nickname, but couldn’t deny she loved the idea of being called fat. She loved the idea of the word itself. The pampering and spoilage that came bundled within its embrace. Someone who deserved special treatment and attention. And she loved the way Jenny was treating her right now. So far, she’d gotten a present, a kiss, and a promise. The latter was especially important because that was what she wanted most.

Mia watched as Jenny lifted the lid and removed a white satin nightgown. She held it up against Mia’s torso, trying to gauge the best fit. It was far too large. Just one glance and Mia knew it would completely envelope and overflow her abundant. Jenny seemed to read her mind.

“No, you aren’t there yet, cherub. But you will be, won’t you?”

Would she? She could’ve fit her entire head in one of the lingerie’s cups! How could she ever be that big? Mia marveled for some time as Jenny moved around her swollen form, mentally tracing her imagined accentuated curves. “I don’t think so. I like to eat, but…”

“Twenty-Four pounds.”

Mia’s heart skipped a bit. Her mind struggled to take in the information she had just been told. “What?”

“That’s how much your little piggy ass has gained in just over 2 months with me.” Jenny reached around Mia’s back and squeezed her bulging mound of a belly. “Are you surprised? Haven’t you noticed?”

“I… I mean, I know I put on a little weight..”

“Oh no. That’s not a little, cherub. That’s a downright gluttonous amount. And you liked it, didn’t you? You loved all the treats I gave you. All you did was stuff yourself silly and then complain about it later. Didn’t you enjoy every bite? Every morsel? Didn’t you enjoy stuffing your face until you could barely breathe?”

Mia felt herself blush again at the memory. And the truth behind Jenny’s words stung her pride. She’d always prided herself on her restraint. Mia admitted, despite her initial reservations, she enjoyed eating. She loved food. But… but that didn’t excuse her behavior. Not by a long shot. But if anything, the guilt only made her want more. To make up for lost time. And to keep going until her body betrayed her. Until her hips stretched beyond belief and her gut swelled out of the tight confines of her dresses.

“It’s still early, though, my cherub.. There’s plenty of room left to grow. Plenty. In fact, if you continue on the path you are currently traveling...” Jenny let her comment hang in the air, allowing it to sink into Mia’s consciousness. “You’ll be busting out of this negligee come the new year.”

Mia’s breath hitched, a warm tingle ran between her legs.

“You promise?”
5 chapters, created 1 year , updated 8 months
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Justenjoy 10 months
I’m liking where this is going!
4funnow 10 months
Keep the sexual tension coming- great start
TheFattenedClam 12 months
This is so good - loving it!
Bcain 12 months
Very good writing that expertly conveys the intensity of their sessions together. Love the dynamic and can't wait to see where it goes.
Senpai Henta... 1 year
I can't wait to see where this goes