Chapter 1 - Concern
Josephine's belly protruded forward further than she had ever seen. A swollen monument to her gluttony. She rubbed it, careful not to put too much pressure. Her hands moving in slow circles as her shirt struggled to contain her. It had ridden up during the meal so that now a sliver of pale belly could be seen peaking from the bottom. A crescent moon bulging forth. She was a sight to behold. A swollen, overfed cutie much too big now even to lift herself off the couch without Sam's help. Her low moans were broken sporadically by soft belches. A collection of plates and platters rose in a small tower before her on the coffee table. Far out of reach now. She couldn't bend now to reach them even if there was anything left.She had to stop these binges. That's all there was to it. It was out of control. SHE was out of control. Nothing good was going to come from shoveling this much food down her throat, but, God, it was SO good. The cheesecake, brownies, and pies he made were too good to resist. Heavenly. It was almost like the more she ate, the more he made. If he wasn't so nice, she'd have thought it was on purpose. She had asked him to stop, but they both knew she didn't mean it. A light hiccup caused her gut to jostle slightly and was followed by a small burp and groan.
Then he was by her side. All bright-eyes and electric smile. "Did you get enough, baby?" He held a metal spatula in one hand. A blue oven mitt covered the other. His hair sticking up in the back like the day they had met.
Josephine groaned. "Yes. Yes. More then enough. I'm full." It was difficult even to keep her eyes open.
"Now you aren't just saying that are you? I want to make sure you're getting enough."
Enough? It would of been enough for several people.
"Really, I'm...I'm fine. You always make so much. Too much." Her belly was so full it was hard to speak. Her words came in gasps.
Sam nodded, moved forward, and removed the oven mitt. Just below the apex of her belly, she felt his fingers force their way under the tight hem of her shirt. She felt him slowly slide the shirt upwards. One slow, methodical movement breaking the dam holding the brunt of her stomach back. The taut fabric sighing as he helped roll it up her overfed gut. Her belly surging forward several more inches and coming to rest on her thighs. She was so gloriously glutted. She let out a small sigh followed by a slight groan.
"There we go. Make sure my princess is comfortable. There's one more piece of pie if you want it. Sure, you don't have a tiny more room in there? Shame to put it to waste."
Josephine's eyes met Sam's. Her tongue crept out and over her lips. An audible angry grumble emanated from the depths of her bloated tummy. No more? She felt her tummy screaming at her to stop. But she felt his fingers gently making slow circles around her belly button. Deeper now than it had ever been, she imagined. Seriously? I just had enough food to feed a small family and I'm seriously considering another piece of pie? What's wrong with me? When did this happen? Another lick of the lips. One of Sam's hands lifted and rubbed the lower curve of her pregnant looking pot-belly. She shifted her widening ass on the sofa and managed to sit up a bit straighter "I'd hate for it to go to waste..."
"That's my girl!" He quickly returned with a large slice of apple pie. A dollop of whipped cream crowning the top. The presentation was perfect, like something out of a commercial. It looked delicious. "Don't need you to get up or lean forward." I'll just help you finish up. I'm so glad these cooking classes are paying off. "He cut a bit from the pie and brought it to Josephine's waiting mouth before she could reply.
He's feeding me? Oh, my God....I'm not going to be able to move after this am I? She watched, wide-eyed, as Sam continued to talk and slowly fed her the pie. Bite after bite found it's way into her over loaded belly. By the final bite, Josephine felt like she was about to literally explode and sure she looked the part as well.
"There we go. All done. I'm so excited. No leftovers." He smiled and gave a slight chuckle as he gave a gentle pat to the side of her gurgling gut. "You get enough?"
"Yes...more then enough..."
"Good!" I'm going to go clean up. You go get ready for bed."
When he returned sometime later, Josephine, unmoved, was softly snoring on the couch. Her titanic tummy rising and falling in time with her snores. A dab of whip cream still clung to the side of her nose.
Breakfast was large as usual. It wasn't unusual for Sam to awaken early and prepare something before heading off to work and classes. By the time, Josephine managed to get her pants buttoned and shirt situated so that it covered all of her belly (a feat that was becoming rarer and rarer these days) all she found was a scrawled note. Sam had cooked some bacon and biscuits if she was hungry. He'd see her tonight. Hoped she had a good day.
The biscuits were still warm.
"Josephine, this has got to stop!" Megan sighed and placed her shopping bag on the bench next to them. They had been walking the mall for nearly an hour.
"What? I just need a quick rest. I think I've done very well."
"I see you once a month, if that, and for the past three months I've had to watch you blow up like a balloon. You've got to get this under control." Megan crossed her arms and leaned back on the bench. In the distance, Josephine could hear a baby crying over the soft murmur of the other mall shoppers.
"I don't think I've gained much at all. Really."
"No. Don't try that with me. Not this! This isn't normal. I bought it when you said it before. I figured you just didn't want to talk, but now? No, this is far outside of normal. What is going on?"
"Is it that noticeable?"
"You look like you're about to pop the button on your pants. You're huge Jo, and seemingly only getting bigger."
Josephine glanced downward and habitually moved her hand to check her pants.
Megan wasn't lying. They were practically cutting her in two.
Contemporary Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
No Transformation
15 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years
Can't wait for more!
Thank you! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far. It's funny you mention it, I've actually thought about a flashback scene, but wasn't sure if it would interrupt the flow. Still considering it though!
Finding that perfect person can be so difficult nowadays. Hope you enjoyed and I appreciate you reading.
That's extremely high praise and I really appreciate it. I'm glad you're enjoying it! The climax is going to be fun!
I've started the next chapter and it should be here soon. I juggle several different stories so be patient with me. It's coming! I'm honored your looking forward to it.
Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I appreciate you taking the time to read my work.
Oh no, this isn't the end. I have a conclusion in mind for this story and we aren't there yet! Megan will definitely be making some appearances!
I like how he is slowly bending her mind.