Getting Fat

Chapter 1

I’ve changed a lot since college. Back when I was starting my freshman year, I was beautiful. I was a 5’4, olive skin, brown eyed, brunette. My body was lean and toned from four years of volleyball at my private high school and intense training sessions paid for by my parents. That part of my life had ended in the fall though. I wasn’t good enough to play in college. Still, I’d been obsessive about staying in shape since my athletic career ended, and my parents were still paying for my trainer. I’d NEVER let myself weigh more than 120 lbs… because ew

I wasn’t particularly motivated to do anything with my life. Frankly, I really didn’t have to either. My parents own half the apartments in Santa Fe and Albequerqi, but they really wanted me to, go to college though, and maybe learn to take over their business. I really had no business getting in, but they have a lot of doner pull at Syracuse. Once I agreed to go, I wanted to study fashion. They basically forced me to study finance.

I immediately fell in with the rich and bitchy hot girls. We got into all of the frat parties and rushed early. I ended up at the hottest sorority. That year, I partied a lot, but didn’t actually drink too much, hardly ever ate, and always went to the gym. I knew my role. I HAD to stay in perfect shape. Like, there was always clique of a few of the older girls who’d gotten thick or even a little chubby, but not many, and they made up for it by being extra stuck up and bitchy. Still, most of the seniors were pretty fit still and ALL of the younger girls were 10s. Its how our sorority stayed on top. I did my part. At the end of freshman year, I hadn’t gained a single lb. I was still 119lbs and toned. I was averaging a 75, but I didn’t care. I had at least that many guys wrapped around my finger. Life was good.

Sophomore year really wasn’t much different, but it was the first time I started to worry about my weight a little. In the first semester, I put on five lbs. I wish I could blame my metabolism or something, but I think I just was eating more. Like I literally always felt hungary. Plus, I was working out so much that I think most of it was actually healthy. Like at least half was muscle. Plus all of it fell in the right place. No one even said a word, but I knew my ass had gotten just a little thicker and my boobs just a little bigger. I kind of freaked out and doubled down in the gym. None of it came off though.

Junior year was bad for my habbits. I started it off with a semester abroad in Itally. Lliterally no one worked out. People thought I was weird just for going for a run. I stopped exercising. It still wasn’t bad for my waistline. The portions were so small I kept my figure without even trying. I just sipped champaign by the pool and drove the guys wild. I might have had an Italian fling or two ;) I was obsessed with the life style.

When I got back to the US, I tried to keep it up. Just small portions but no exercise. I couldn’t though. There was just more of everything. Within a month I’d put on 5 lbs more. The weight was coming on fast. I knew I had to get back to the gym so I went. The problem was, I was in so much worse shape. Like in an hour of cardio before I could burn 700 calories. Now, I struggled just to get through 30 minutes and was happy if I burned 300. Plus I hated the cardio. I forced myself to do it, but I couldn’t get motivated improve my cardio. I started to lift a bit too to try make up for it. It wasn’t enough though. I kept putting weight on. By the end of my Junior year I weighed 135. I still looked good though. My ass was was bigger and my boobs were fuller, but in a tight black dress, you could tell my stomach was a little softer.

That summer, I got an internship. More accurately, My parents had gotten me an internship. I was working as a financial analyst for Morgan Stanely. It was so bad. Everyone was kind nice to me because my parents had enough money invested, but the hours were brutal and the work was sooo boring.I hated it so much. Thats not really my point right now. That job made it impossible for me to get to the gym. I really didn’t have much time to eat either, so it wasn’t like too too bad, like I probably put on a lb or 2, but I was so effing bitter and out of shape when I got back to school.

As soon as I got back I could tell from the looks of of the lower classes that they thought they were out of my league. They thought I was one of the girls who used to belong but let go and got too thick. I through it right back. I dressed sexier, stole their men, and drank their booze. I knew I was being a huge bitch, but I wasn’t going to take their freshman bullshit. Drinking other girls booze and acting superior made me feel better, but it was not a recipe for weight management. Especially for a girl who’d given up completely on cardio. The lbs piled into my ass and boobs. By the end of the year I’d managed to eat and drink my way up to 160 lbs. My ass was getting big and jucy, my thighs were thick and I had Ds, but I’d also developed a bit of a pot belly and thick chubby arms. I had such a fucking attitude though, guys were still into me. It’s like they wanted me to be mean to them. I was the richest, fattest, and bitchiest girl in the sorrority. Such a fucking stereo type.

Anyway, after I school, I went back to Albequerqi and started working for my parents. This was a pretty good gig. I didn’t really do any of the financial work. They knew I hated it. If I’m being totally honest, they probably didn’t think I was smart enough either. Why let me hurt the business? Instead I mostly showed apartments and did some work with our designers to keep our luxury buildings up to date. My mom also can be such a bitch. As soon as I was back full time, she hired me a trainer. I knew I needed it, but she told me I had to look the part if I was going to show their buildings off.

That hit the ego. It worked though. Over the the next two years I dropped 25 lbs. My stomach was flat, but I still had a juicy ass an big boobs. My mom was still kept me my thighs were too thick, but I thought I was a bomshell.

I was so hot and so stuck-up most guys could hardly talk to me. It wasn’t great for my dating life, but It worked for selling apartments. When I went to close, they were afraid to even say no. Harvey wasn’t afraid of me though.

Harvey was my parents lawyer. He was so fucking hot… he’s still so fucking hot. He’d played in the NFL as a tight end for four years and even made one probowl. Then he dropped out. He thought he was too smart and was afraid of CTE. After the NFL went right to New York where he’d studied law at Columbia. Then started as the low man at a major real estate firm. Worked his way up to partner at an accelerated rate and eventually got my parents account. When I met him, he was ten years older than me, smart, ambitious, 6’4, and jacked. I literally couldn’t stop staring at him. He didn’t even give me a second look. I was so intimidated. I tried for like 3 month after that to get his attention but couldn’t. Finally, at my parents christmas party I got pretty drunk and got up the courage to ask him out. He said no. By that time my parents company was the largest private owner of multifamily housing in the southwest. He said it was too risky for him to date a major clients daughter. He was right, but I was still crushed.
2 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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