Giving Up

Chapter 1

Uhg, I didn’t think I’d be such a big fat ass. Well, I mean I guess I don’t mind having a fat ass… but like I’m fat everywhere! That’s the part I hate. Like okay, back in the day, when I was starting college, I was an athlete. I was the goalie for the UAB soccer team and I was fit as fuck, honestly I might have been the hottest girl on the team. I was a 5’5, about 125, brunette with long tan legs, toned abs, perky tits, and a cute face. Now? Well let’s just say that was obviously a long time ago.

When I started school, it was right into soccer season and I was dedicated. I knew I wouldn’t start that year, but our goalie was a Junior and pretty good. But I though maybe if I really worked for it and proved myself, I could jump her in line and start next year. I really worked for it. I trained all the time, studied film, fit in extra practice when I could and was really serious. After the season ended though, we started off season and were supposed to relax a bit. That was when things probably started I guess.

I liked to party and I liked to eat and I’d gotten used to eating literally whatever I wanted. I mean really, just eating like a D1 athlete; but now, well it was off season. I wasn’t training as hard, I was drinking WAY more, and I was eating just as much, maybe even more if you count the drunk food. Like we all partied together though, and I knew I wasn’t alone half girls around me were doing the same shit. You’d be surprised how many midfielders let go out of season and then busted their asses to get back in shape for fall. It’s harder as a goalie though. Anyway, we’d go out, shake our asses at frat parties, drink their beer, and soak up the attention, then come home and munch on pizza or McDonalds or whatever was in the fridge. That caught up with me. By the end of the year I was 135 lbs. Like today, of course I’d kill to be 135. First of all, I was a hot 135. Literally all the new weight was in my ass and boobs, I knew the guys were into it. But… well I couldn’t jump as high, couldn’t change direction as fast, couldn’t chase a ball to the corner. I’d just lost a step. I knew I needed to get back in shape if I wanted to start.

I tried to take it seriously too, but when I went home I worked with a coach and stuff, but there was really no one to train with and I was still eating too much. By the time I got back to camp to start sophomore year I was 140. I kinda liked that I was grow a bit of an ass and pair of tits, but I literally felt every lb of it on the field though. I knew I had no chance of starting that year. Instead of focusing on getting fit for junior year, I just drank to feel better and focused on shaking my growing ass for guys at parties. You know, where it was appreciated. I did try to eat a bit better though, and I actually ate like way less most of the time, but I just couldn't stop myself from drunk eating. By the end of the year, I was up to 150. Before summer break my coach called me into the office. He told me I had “a lot of potential” and with our starter graduating, he’d love me to start next year, but that right now I wasn’t in shape and was too slow. He told me I’d need to start getting serious about my nutrition.

I really did want to start, so I took things seriously that summer. I played a lot of pickup, worked with a new coach, went to a training camp, and STARVED myself, which I HATED. But by the end of the summer I’d lost 5 lbs. I felt lean and mean and ready for the season.

The problem was, I was still 5 heavier than year before, and I was too slow then. Literally nothing had changed over the course of the year except I’d I’d gotten a little fatter and a little slower.

I got beat out for the starting spot by a freshman named Lynn. Not only did she beat me out, but was a lean gorgeous blonde, like no tits or ass, but 5’11 and super model material. She was even nice. It was crushing. I was so bitter. Obviously I struggled with food! Didn’t they know how HARD I’d worked for this all summer? Now this? Replacing me with a younger model?

I wanted to take her spot. I wanted o bust my ass and get back in the best shape of my life. To show everyone what a mistake they’d made. I was too mentally defeated though. I wanted it so bad, but I’d lost motivation. Or, maybe it was more like this: I was infinitely motivated but I couldn’t translate it into action.

We spent practically every minute together. I watched things slipping away and knew it was my fault. Lynn’d be at practice early, I’d be late. We’d go to the dining hall, she’d get rice and chicken breast, I’d have pizza. She’d have one serving, I’d get seconds. She’d have water, I had coke. She’d skip desert, I’d have a grab a “little something.” Not surprisingly she stayed fit and while I got fatter. By the end of the season, I weighed 155. I don’t think I was what you’d call “thick” yet, but I was curvy as fuck. I thought I looked hot. Sure, I’d lost all of the definition in my arms and legs, but my stomach was flat, I’d gown a big ass and a pair of tits. The guys were definitely into it. The problem was, the habits that grew me this assets kept growing me.

Not surprisingly, the offseason did no one any favors. We drank, partied and let our hair down. We drunk ate and lots of the girls lost their tone. Even Lynn looked like she’d put on a few lbs by the end of the year. The thing was, they all still looked hot. Like 5 or 10 lbs on a fit girl, no problem. But me? Well I’d put on the most and it showed. By the end of the year, I’d guess I was up to 170. My tits and ass were bigger which I liked, but so were other things thighs were getting thick and I even was starting to get the first hint of a belly.

I showed up for fall training the next year, but it was a bit of a joke. I was 180. My thighs were too thick to run, my boobs hurt when I jumped, and my fat ass was too SLOW. I was 3rds string. I was so bad that coach barely even put me in in practice and I didn’t even care. Honestly, I didn’t realize it, but I’d given up at the end of last season. I basically showed up because my friends were on the team. This was bad for me though. I wasn’t getting any work in and I was still eating with the girls, and since I was third sting, I didn’t give a fuck anymore. When they ate, I ate more, when they drank, I drank more, and when they ran, I didn’t.

This would have been bad enough for my figure… but worst of all was Lynn. She’d replaced her grilled chicken with pizza & fried food by the end of last year. No she was trying to undo the damage, but couldn’t give up the fried food. Instead, she’d get all the best tasting food but only have a few bites while I at my dinner, then she’d ask ME to eat the rest of her food so SHE wouldn’t! And it always looked so good I literally could’t say no. Her plan was working for her too, after a few weeks she looked lean and mean again and stayed that way for the rest of the year. Meanwhile, I EXPLODED.

By thanksgiving I’d hit 200 lbs. I wouldn’t say I looked fat, but I was thick as fuck for sure. My huge tits and big ass still had the attention of every guy. But even with my assets their was no hiding my growing belly anymore. Obviously I didn’t stop there though. Not only was I still stuffing my own face and Lynn wasn’t stopping either. Honestly, I think she was getting a bit of a kick out of watching her former rival unravel.

By the spring break, I was FAT. There was no denying it, college had turned me into a 240 lbs fat girl. Or maybe I’d don’t it to my self, but I wasn’t just a fat girl. I was the team’s fat girl. That meant I had to be in every picture. My fat ass was there for contrast. To make all the other girls look lean and beautiful. I’d try to show off my boobs and they looked like big fat tits with a belly under them. I’d try to show off my ass, and my big fat thighs and back rolls would show. No matter what I did, I looked like a whale. Worst of all was with Lynn though.

When Lynn and I took pictures, she’d wrap here tall graceful body around my short fattened one. Her thighs less than a third of mine, her profile was lean and mine thick, her tits small and mine were huge and fat, her arms lean and mine bigger than her thighs. Other-times we’d take an ass pics with my thighs looking as white as her body, and my fat hand covering a full half of her ass while her thin frame leaned and her arm reached down past my back rolls to cover a tiny faction of my fat ass. She always looked proud of the fat frame she’d put on me. I always looked embarrassed and excited to have such a beautiful friend.

After college I got a job as a receptionist for a big law firm downtown. Not surprisingly, the desk job didn’t help my figure, but it didn’t really hurt. I mean, I’d accepted that I was a fat girl, but I wasn’t partying all the time anymore and didn’t have access to unlimited dining hall food so at least I wasn’t getting much fatter. I had a flat-mate who’d graduated a year ahead of me, and we went out a lot with the other girls who’d graduated and stayed local. With sedentary jobs and southern cooking, a lot of them were starting to chunk up a bit too now. I was fthe fattest, but it really didn’t even matter. I found that being fat wasn’t even bad for my sex life, most guys secretly don’t care how fat you are if you’ve got tits and an ass. I had those. Plus with my friends getting chubby. I was kind of feeling good about myself.

Like I said, I didn’t gain much during this time, but… lets be real, I was still getting a bit fatter. After about two years, I was probably up to about 260. Literally twice the weight I was when I’d started college, but I did’t care. I was fat and happy living with my newly plump roommate. And who had graduated and started coming out? Lynn…

When Lynn first came out with us, she immediately saw what was happening. Almost all of her old teammates were turning into young-professional fatties. She told me that that shit was not going to happen to her. I just rolled my eyes. Like literally we were the worst influences on each other. I think everyone in my class was at least 200 by then, and the class below me was catching up fast. Shit, I was barely even the fattest then. I thought Lynn was dreaming. She had no chance.

I was wrong though. Lynn immediately started playing her old tricks. She invited me everywhere, and we’d order food, but she’d only have a few bites before trying to pass it off to me. At first, I didn’t fall for it though. I knew what would happen. I wasn’t giving in and Lynn would end up finishing things. For a minute it even looked like she might pack it on like the rest of us. But sometimes, the food she offered looked too good, so I’d just have a bite or two. After few weeks a bite or two became half, and then I just caved and went back to eating whatever she didn’t want. I literally put on 30 lbs that year. I think I always knew Lynn was feeding and fattening me up, but this time I was more aware of it. I was getting so fat could feel myself working harder to get up, getting out of breath walking, and growing more sedentary as I grew fatter, but I loved the attention from this beautiful goddess. Still, all I could think, was “thank god it’s not like college where we saw each other every day.” Then my now throughly fat room mate told me she was going to move in with her boyfriend. Lynn asked if she could move into the open room.

I had a decision to make. I knew if Lynn moved in, I’d have her full attention and that would mean I’d grow very fat. But I loved her attention. She was so beautiful and talented, I was flattered she wanted to live with me, but I was already SO fat. Could I maybe live with her and resist getting fatter? Have my cake and eat it too? Eventually I just asked her how fat she would make me if we lived together. But she just laughed at me and said she’d never done it at all.

I let her move in a year ago and it shows in every way. At first I tried to resist being pumped full of fattening food all the time, but really, I gave up pretty quick. Honest, I knew I’d give in when she moved. Now I think I’m her play thing. I have 370 lbs of thickness on my 5’5 frame. My arms are pillowy soft and thicker than my thighs were. My ass sticks out like two huge beach balls behind me stacked onto of enormously fat thighs. My gut has grown thick and fat, but its still small compared to my enormously fattened boobs. When we take pictures, Lynn still wraps her slender body around the my enormously fat frame highlighting what she’s done to me. I know she’s destroyed me. I think I love her.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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AndiFive 1 year