Happy July 4th?

Chapter 1

“Oh, I love grill parties!” Mandy claps her hands as she walks into her friend’s backyard, “There’s always so much to eat!”

“Only because we have to make so much to even enjoy some for ourselves…” her friend Shay mumbles to herself.

“What’s that?”

“N-nothing. Here go find a place a sit, yeah?”

Mandy nods, quickly scanning the spacious yard to a chair suitable to her 450+ lbs fat body. See, Mandy’s always been a big eater, and always loved food. Even when she was young and growing chubby, she just didn’t mind. Hell, she thought it was cute, though her parents seemingly disagreed and did their best to try and limit her diet to smaller portions but still plenty healthy and filling.

Despite that, she still managed to break 300lbs shortly before graduating high school at 18. Which she celebrated with a massive stuffing and orgasm-filled evening locked in her room, and managing to wake up 15 lbs even fatter the next day. Much to her parents’ surprise and dismay, of course, on seeing their daughter come down to dining room the next morning. Where before her clothes, despite their best efforts, were merely getting tighter before, that morning they were barely fitting her. Belly fully exposes as her shirt turned into makeshift bra, her pants ripped in several places.

It would only get worse when she went to college, and away from her restrictive parents. Finding a job in an office part time, the many many parties taking place, and her incredible luck in finding a feederism group to hang out with who always bringing her food, she didn’t need to hold back anymore. As a result, within a matter of months, she shot up over to just around 437 lbs. A week into summer break, and Mandy came home bulging out of her clothes at 450.

“Ah, here we are,” she cheerfully exclaims, though to no one in particular, “If I didn’t know better, I would think this extremely comfortable chair all by its lonesome was just for me. The other chairs must be off to other tables.”

As comforting a though it is for the glutton, in fact it was quite the opposite situation. Shay and her family are all too familiar with Mandy’s behavior, and tendencies around food, the pair having grown up together. And while Shay herself didn’t mind Mandy, in fact she was quite attracted to seeing her friend grow bigger and heavier, she’s also found herself annoyed in Mandy’s lack of self control. Such a lack of control that she can’t seem to control herself around food, eating everything she can.

Which is why it comes to her as a surprise that the moment her butt hits the cushion on the chair, everyone starts to move in some pre-organized fashion. Confused, Mandy watches them, brow furrowed as everyone seemingly enters the house in one door, single file and everything, and then out another with a plate STACKED with food. Burgers, hot dogs, potato chips, coleslaw, mac and cheese… anything they could fit onto a plate or two, it was piled on. Mandy could feel herself begin to drool at the mere sight of so much food, but tries to keep herself restrained in an effort to be polite.

Not that she could do that for very long, mind you, but she always hopes the effort is appreciated.

Of course, despite being the glutton that she is, she watches and fully expects everyone carrying food to maybe take to their own table or corner of the yard to start eating, or something. Really, anything different than what comes next: they instead begin to bring the food directly to her! Why?

Whatever the reason, her restraint felt dismissed, like she’s been given to permission to go all out. So go all out she does.

As each plate is places onto the table before her, Mandy immediately reaches out and begins to stuff whatever she finds first on the plate into her mouth, followed by another handful, then another. When the first plate is cleared, she starts on the next one. Then the next. The entire time, everyone is still filing through the house, entering empty-handed and coming back out with a place piled high with food. Each one Mandy clearing, but always two more plates ready for her so she wouldn’t go without for too long at all.

After the first 6 or so plates, she would normally need to stop as she’d normally start to feel by about now. Instead, Mandy noticed she’s starting to feel even more hungry and desperate to keep eating. So instead of stopping and enjoying herself, she begins to eat even faster, shoveling in food just as fast as it’s brought to the table. Spatters of food begin to line her lips and a little on her cheeks, but credit is due for efficiency.

“More, more! I’m so hungry!” she shouts, slightly confused why this started happening but far too hungry to allow herself to worry. No, instead, she needs more food inside of her, and she needs its now!

The line almost starts to falter, though, as they watch Mandy’s body start to change and grow. Not that she noticed of course, being far too focused on eating more right now to care. Every bite of food she shoved into her hungry maw, though, is showing a new impact to her body as she softens and widens even more than when she waddled into the backyard only moments earlier. Her arm fat starts to swell more into a pillow shape than before, her belly and breasts inching out more, her ass swelling behind her.

Every plate, every bite of food, is clearly making her grow even fatter. Murmurs pass through the throng of her seemingly new stream of feeders, as she grows bigger and bigger, the pounds piling on more and more. None of it slowing her down in the slightest, continuing to shovel more down her throat in a desperate need to fill the void that seemed to open in her, demanding to be filled with food.

450 lbs quickly moved to 500 lbs. Then 600. 750. 950 lbs, the chair long broken as her belly oozes forward and her massive breasts jiggle as they roll to the sides slightly. The line of food continues unhindered, the table soon cleared to allow each guest to rest the plate on her huge gut instead and others cleared. Still, the piles of food don’t seem to be enough, her huge beanbag of a belly growling for more even as it expands fatter.

1,200 lbs fly by as the food begins to dwindle and soon stops. Mandy immobilized under all her fat, shaking and quaking with every breath. Her arms pinned to her sides, her legs barely recognizable. Her couch-sized ass piling up behind her, yoga-ball tits reaching the ground just barely to her sides as her huge small-pond filling gut wobbles as it gurgles and growls for more food.

“Mmm, still hungry… so fat…” the blob-sized woman moans, her fingers moving as though to reach for her massive belly but unable to move, “I need more.”

Her friend walking out of the kitchen smiles as she observes her work.

“Congrats, Mandy, you’re living the American dream. Happy 4th of July.”
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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