Note to the doctor - largetwink

Chapter 1 - notes to the doctor

Day 1 – My first dose. (1/2 pill once a week)
As I chugged the water trying to consume my first sleeping pill, I knew that I hopefully would have the first good night’s rest in a year.

I woke up about 10 hours later. I was so chummy and happy. It has been a while since I felt that way.

Dr. Dalton I didn’t have any instant reactions nor side-effects. I had a toast and then brushing my teeth. I look in the large mirror, I take a good look at myself like you said, and I look normal, and maybe even smaller eye bags than the night before.
My 5’8” and 135 lbs (61.2kg) I was slim especially as all of my friends have started losing their figures around this age. I was glad to be the exemption and hadn’t gained 200lbs within a night haha.

Day 105 – My first week with a full dose nightly.
I just went a week (From Day 98 to 105) with the full dose, and I feel AMAZING! It was doing wonders for me; I was getting 10 or so hours of uninterrupted moments of slumber. My dilemma prior to the pills was my neck pain. I tried everything but, after heaps of evaluating it was the fact that while I was sleeping my body just got too sensitive and the pills helped.

Day 112
I for the first few weeks of a full dosage didn’t have any symptoms but one has arisen. Bloating, I’d bloat like I gained 100 lbs. It would happen a bit after I ate, it just looked weird, it was such a small thing compared to the amazing sleep. Dr. Dalton I’m fine with this medication if it means I don’t have to deal with the bad sleep again.

Day 178
I know that I haven’t logged in here for a while but, I have within the week gained 4lbs. I track my food and nothing’s out of the ordinary. I’m sending the last fortnight’s worth of food intake so you can review it.

Day 201
I know that you said that it may be the pills. I know that it is. I have so far gained 11lbs since Day 1. I weighed myself and I am at 146lbs. I had to buy new clothes and, I have this jiggly fat that just won’t go away. I know it’s those pills. I want to find an alternative.

Day 218
Dr. Dalton, I know that there are no alternatives will more liveable side effects. I am going to try to live with my new 15lbs of weight. I am still in a healthy weight range just, a bit closer to the bad zone as you said.

Day 281
I don’t have any new side-effects or anything but, I think the weight gain has stalled. I am still 167lbs and I know that’s overweight but, it has stalled for a week. I think that the gain has stopped. I can start lowering it back down.

Day 367
Dr. Dalton I gained 5lbs within the last week. I haven’t done anything differently yet, my body reacted differently.

Day 397

Dr. Dalton, I don’t care that much about the gains anymore. My 202.4 lb frame is still better than a bad night’s sleep. I accidentally forgot to bring my pills to a work trip and OH MY GOD!! It was torture. Three full nights I only got 4.5 hrs of sleep.

Day 432

Dr. Dalton my weight has stalled for the last 35 days. I really think that it’s staying. I think it has truly stalled.

I like my new weight, yeah, I was slim and fit a while ago but, I prefer not seeing my feet compared to getting 2-5 hrs of sleep a week.

I also for the last 6 weeks haven’t been having any neck pain in general. So, you said to start reducing the dose.

Day 491

Today I am having the last pill. I am at 210lbs (It was an amazing Thanksgiving) I am going to alert you if I have any future problems.

But if I am going to be honest, I love my size. I was able to have all the amazing food my family made, I am always warm, and I know this is a weird thought but, I fell more like a man than I did before. I was a 33-year-old in an 18-year old’s body, now I am a 35-year-old in a 35-year old’s body.

I don’t care whether I have a dadbod and that I am not the fit. I am not sleep deprived or spending thousands of dollars to try wack cures either.
I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving Dr. Dalton.
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