The Evils of Gluttony

Chapter 1

Hey, guys. Like the info said, this is a dark and gruesome story that includes humiliation. I just rewatched Se7en on Netflix tonight and it inspired me for some odd reason for this story. For those who've seen Se7en will know what I'm talking about.

"Please... no more! I... wheezing... really can't eat anymore...!" Mary desperately pleaded with John to stop eating but all John did was shake his head at the poor fat Mary. Mary was on the verge of her stomach bursting from all the food she's had to intake in one sitting.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Unless the words, 'of course piggy. You can stop eating.' Slipped out of my mouth, you will do nothing but sit there, and stuff your fat face. Now shut your fat mouth and get back to eating!" John said angrily at the fat Mary who he whipped hard across her rolls of fat on her back. She would cry and shove more slices of pizza into her mouth.

Let's rewind a bit shall we...?

Earlier that day, Mary's a 5th grade teacher. She's taught kids for the past 8 and a half years. At the start of her teaching Mary wasn't as huge as she is now. Over time, Mary's put on a ton of weight. She could feel several students eyes beam at her when she teaches, or sits at the lunch table eating 7 sandwiches, 8 bags of potato chips, 9 candy bars, 6 strawberry pop tarts, 6 swiss rolls and for dessert, a whole pack of chips ahoy cookies. Afterwards, after all that food, Mary would feel hungry. She would make severa trips during the lunch line to grab slices of pizza or chicken sandwiches etc. she would carry two trays and sit them at the table. Her lunch time would be stretched a bit longer than everyone else's. Including the teachers who would glance at the fat Mary sitting alone with her rolls of fat from her back sticking out from the chair. Her thighs would be hanging off the edge of the chair due to the fat she's gained there. Her neck looked as if she had swallowed something and it never budge. Her arms are covered in fat. Her massive belly would be poking out from her dress she would have to wear. She hasn't worn pants in a long time. She thought about when's the last time she even wore a pair of blue jeans?

After lunch time, Mary would waddle across the school to return to her class. As she walked in, she got everyone's attention as her face blushes blood red. She sat down behind her desk where she kept donuts and snacks in her desk drawer. 'My comfort food' Mary said to herself. She would tell the kids to read silently to themselves as she would eat her snacks in her desk drawer. She's been asked how it's like to be fat. It was an odd question she's been asked a lot but she would shrug it off and say it can be miserable. Once school was out, Mary would hit a drive thru and order 6 bags of tacos then she'd Go to a burger joint and order 6 bags of cheeseburgers. On the way home, Mary would knock back a few of the cheeseburgers she got. When she arrives at her house she notices a strange car following her. She doesn't make it look obvious or anything. When she got home, she didn't see the car.

That is till she enters her home goes upstairs to her bedroom, she would have so much trouble walking up the stairs, having to take breaks then stop to catch her breath. 'This... is... ridiculous...' Mary thought to herself as she heard her front door open and close. Mary would turn around to see a man runs inside her house and up the stairs. Mary, fat and unable to run, the man catches up to her and smiles. "Hello, piggy. My name's John. And we're gonna have some fun." John said in a creepy voice. Mary drops her fast food bags and John would chloroform her. She collapses right onto her bed. "Well, that worked well." John said to himself as he manage to prop Mary up on her bed. Her back up against the bed frame. He would tie her fat legs to the bed pole. Her fat arms tied to the backboard of her bed. John has her arms placed where her hands are able to grab the food in front of her. Mary starts to come too and John stands at the end of the bed.

Mary starts to freak out, begins screaming, crying uncontrollably. John would run upside her bed and shove a donut hard into her mouth. "God! Do you piggies gotta make so much fucking noise." Mary's eyes follow John as he walks around the bed, removing multiple cheeseburgers from her take out bags. "What... why are you doing this? Who are you?" Mary said with fear in her voice.

John didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't say a word to her for the next five minutes. This made Mary feel uncomfortable and at unease. She would make several attempts to get free but she would be out of breath. She heard John laughing at her. "Are... are you laughing... wheezing... are you laughing at me?" Mary said with hint of struggle in her voice.

"You must be joking, right? God, you are pathetic." John said with hate in his voice. Mary didn't understand what was happening or what was his purpose?

"Why are you doing this to me?" Mary said.

"Because I want to try something on you." John said.

He walks over, carrying the cheeseburgers from the take out bag and sits the greasy bag on the bed in front of the fat Mary. She slowly begins shaking her head.

"I... I don't think I can eat anymore. I've had a lot today." Mary's cut off by John when he says, "You can't eat anymore? What is this, some kind of sick joke?"

"I have had a lot to eat today." Mary said.

"I know." John said, then Mary replies, "So why are you doing this to me?"

He turns to her, giving her the coldest and devilish look, saying, "Because I want to see you burst!"

Mary looks at him in disgust. "NO!" She makes another attempt to get free, but she fails.

"Let's face it. Why do you eat? You eat because it's comfort food, right? You tried to lose weight. Look at how that turned out. Why are you so delusional, hm? Thinking you're gonna lose all this weight and meet some guy? Cancel that shit now! Cause the only guy you're gonna meet is me and this'll be your final years. You will reach immobility. Well, you'll be knocking on immobility's door any second. Which is why we must begin." John said as he unwraps a cheeseburger and places it at Mary's lips.

"Eat. You know you want to take a big bite and dig in. So do it!" John said as Mary slowly opens her mouth, which John shoves the whole burger into her mouth. This was something Mary wasn't expecting. John places his hand over her mouth, making her force herself to chew every bite. He unwraps another cheeseburger and repeats the process. She complies. After a few moments, Mary has forced herself to clean out the take out bags of cheeseburgers and tacos. She can't eat another bite. John knows this but he doesn't want to stop. He rubs his hands roughly over her massive belly, that makes her wince due to how much she's ate.

"Stop it!" Mary said as she winces.

"Oh, shut up and eat fatty." John said angrily as he leaves the room and returns carrying more take out bags of food. "Let's start with the chicken." John removes wing after wing and shoves them in her mouth. She cleans the wings off and he hands her a double fudge chocolate cake as he says, "Now, I'm gonna be fixing stuff for you to eat. So when I get back, this cake better be gone." John leaves the room as Mary compiles and eats the cake. She doesn't feel good at all. She begins crying uncontrollably. Not understanding what's going on or why this is happening to her. Moments later, John returns, carrying a large tray of waffles and spaghetti followed by 10 pizza boxes. "Is that cake gone?" John said.

Mary sadly nods her head yes. "Please... no more! I... wheezing... really can't eat anymore...!" Mary desperately pleaded with John to stop eating but all John did was shake his head at the poor fat Mary. Mary was on the verge of her stomach bursting from all the food she's had to intake in one sitting.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Unless the words, 'of course piggy. You can stop eating.' Slipped out of my mouth, you will do nothing but sit there, and stuff your fat face. Now shut your fat mouth and get back to eating!" John said angrily at the fat Mary who he smacks hard In her stomach. She would cry and shove slice after slice after slice pizza into her mouth. She wanted to stop eating so badly but John refused as he saw her belly growing. Tears running down her face as John yells at her to eat faster. Mary complies. He yells at her again to eat even faster. She rushes the pace but John is unimpressed. "I got an idea." John said as he leaves the room and returns carrying a hose and a machine with a dial. He pries her mouth open and shoves the hose hard down into her mouth. "Bye bye piggy. If you survive this, then I'm gonna be your boyfriend. If not, too bad you fat pig." John said at the horrified Mary as he switches on the dial and the liquid goes through the hose and down into her mouth which causes her to blow up immediately. Like a balloon being filled with air. She screams so loud as her clothes rip and more fat's added onto her body until we hear a loud noise coming from her stomach. Mary's eyes are wide open as she says, "OH GOD!"

Then fade to black as we hear her blood curdling scream and the sound of a loud POP
1 chapter, created 6 years , updated 6 years
6   2   9899


Bradypig 6 years
LOVE it!!! Very nice!!