Chapter 1
I had expectations of where I originally wanted this to go. A project I fantasized, fantasized and fantasized for so long. A moment that I've been preparing for what felt like forever... then I met Hannah. I won't forget the very first time I saw her. I saw Hannah inside the grocery store, staring at the cakes. It seemed like she stood there for all day but it was approximately within an hour. She looks absolutely stunning. Estimating her weight clocking in around the early 300s. Possibly 316 lbs. I could be way off. This was just my wild guess. I stood from a far watching this striking piggy looking at the cakes. Her chubby hands picked up three chocolate cakes, carefully with precise placing the chocolate cakes inside her cart. Her cart was full of junk food to the top. I could see several bags of potato chips. Different kinds of chips. From the original Lay's to the salt and vinegar, then sour cream and onion. Seeing all this junk food made me feel aroused. My dick was getting so hard just watching this big fatty picking out a cart full of junk food. The belly on this girl was mesmerizing. Hanging above her knees. Her double chin proudly showing. The fat wrapped around her arms and legs were cute. Seeing this woman's fat jiggling along with the ass that was worth framing above your fireplace was jiggling as she waddles her way to the check out stand. I could hear her huffing and panting when she began unloading her cart. I made my move towards her. Her neck was swollen with fat. I stood behind her, pretending to have something to purchase just to have an excuse to stand behind her, I tapped her on her shoulder."Uh. Excuse me." I saw her head slowly starting to look over her shoulder. Her face had little freckles spreaded out over her face. "Hi. I wanted to ask you would you like some help with your cart?" I could feel her eyes studying me. She gave me a look of confusion which I could understand. A stranger asking her to help her with her cart definitely seemed strange. I could tell this doesn't happen with her a lot. She didn't answer me. "I know that's an odd question but, I wanted to ask you your name and think you are a cutie." Silence. I started to get nervous. This woman was a bit taller than me. She looks humongous. Having to look up at her was making me feel scared. "Who asked you to ask me?" I looked at her confused. "I'm sorry?" I replied. She turns back around, loading the items from her cart onto the counter. The cashier ringing up her items even glanced at me, looking at me like are you not aware this woman's huge. I ignored her look and told myself I wasn't gonna give up with getting this pretty piggy in my court. I stayed quiet, trying to structure the right sentence for my next step of sweeping her off her feet. I could tell this was going to be a tough one. Although I was never good at sweeping any woman off their feet. So I knew Hannah was going to be a much different case. I just wanted to not be with a fat woman, I also wanted to make her my subject.
I stayed behind Hannah watching her having some difficulty loading the 5-10 liters of soda in the bottom of her cart. The top part of the cart was filled to the brim. She began panting as she struggles bending over to place the soda in the bottom of the cart. I came around her, holding my hand out to help. "Please. Let me help you." Man she can look so intimidating. I was fully aware this isn't something Hannah isn't use to. She was holding the liter of soda in her chubby hands. She handed the liter of soda to me which I complied helping her finish loading the cart. A long line was starting to build behind Hannah. I could tell they were starting to get inpatient with us. It didn't take me long helping her finish loading her cart. I knew she had a ton of items in her cart but once I was helping Hannah, she had A LOT of stuff. Mostly junk food. I was able to push her cart to her car, I was mostly shocked by allowing her to wrap my arm around her meaty arm. Boy her arm felt so soft. The fat pressing into my muscular arm was a feeling I didn't want to end. It felt just right. I was able to get a chance to ask her name. "Hannah."
"Hannah. That's a sweet name. It makes sense." She slowly waddles to her car while snacking on twinkies. "What does?" "Well, Hannah is an adorable name. And, you are a beautiful woman. So, it makes a lot of sense." She started blushing. I was slowly laying on the charm. I didn't want to come on to her too much. "That's very sweet of you. By the way you never told me your name. I told you mine but you never told me yours." I immediately said, "Adam." "It's very nice to meet you, Adam." Her grip tightened around my arm, giving me a signal like she was starting to get comfortable around me which is what I wanted.
I helped Hannah get situated inside her car. Once I was able to get her in her car, I loaded her groceries inside the trunk. I asked her if I could drive her home and she said yes. When we were pulling out of the parking lot I noticed her hand rubbing her belly. "Are you hungry?" She glanced at me, giving me a warm and gentle smile. "Uh, oh yeah! I gotta eat!" Finishing off the box of twinkies. She tosses the empty box of twinkies in the backseat of her car. I saw from the corner of my eye numerous boxes of fast food containers and wrappers. This girl has a mighty appetite. Which made me knew from then on she would be an excellent candidate. I drove through various drive-thru restaurants, ordering plenty of food for the hungry piggy sitting in the passenger seat. I even let her eat while I stopped at one drive thru to the next. "My oh my, you weren't kidding. You were hungry." Chuckling at the hungry piggy. It made want to do nothing more but to feed her, and feed her, and feed her until she can't move. Which is a fetish I've fantasized about so many times it's not funny. Hannah gave me the directions to her house. Once I got her home, I could hear her moan and grunt so loudly while she demolishes a shit ton of tacos, then moving on to cheeseburgers, mixing it up with hot dogs. I had this urge to want to touch her so fucking bad.
Hannah could sense it. She tried to act like I didn't notice her as she kept stuffing her face. I slowly placed my hand on her big belly. It jiggled up and down as I was driving. Hannah didn't stop me. She even said, "This is making me so horny right now." "You're not alone. I want to fuck you so bad." While she was eating her chilli cheese hot dog, she took my hand and slowly placed it toward her pussy. It felt extremely hot and wet. My eyebrows raised, she's not wearing underwear. I gave her a naughty look. "You naughty, greedy piggy." She laughed as I fingered her clit. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, still stuffing her face, moaning so loudly. I pulled over to a vacant area so I didn't get us in a wreck.
I kept fingering her clit. As I kept whispering to the horny, sexy piggy, "Please, don't stop eating." She replied, "Baby. Me and food go way back. I won't... oh..." she stopped talking and started cumming. Her pussy was so wet and hot it blew my mind how sexy she became within just the amount of time I saw her in the store to driving her on the way home. She finished her chilli cheese hot dog, then unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock. Although she had plenty of food she wanted something else. Hannah leans over to me to suck my cock. I begged her to make noises like a pig. A lot of squealing. In which she did. She made noises like the fat greedy pig she was. I felt like I died and gone to heaven. As I cummed so hard in her mouth. She leaned up, swallowing it. That surprised me.
She wiped her lips off. "That filled me up."
I already knew the answer to this, but I wanted to ask just so I could ask, "Hannah? Can I be your boyfriend?" Without any hesitation and quick as greased lightning, she yelled, "YES!"
I got her home safe. I helped her waddle inside her home. She crashed onto the couch, pulling her pink dress up exposing her gorgeous fat belly. It seemed to have expanded ever since I laid my blue eyes on her inside the store. I sat beside her on the couch. She looks at me with a helpless look. "Adam? Can you rub my belly? My belly needs a rubbin'." "Damn, baby. You don't have to ask me twice." This was my free opportunity to explore her body of fat. I started off with her belly. I slowly started rubbing her belly. She leaned her head back, closing her eyes. "That feels so good." She said quietly. I told her to keep her mouth close that I'd be right back. Hannah said okay. Before I left the room I told her firmly to not open her eyes. "I won't!" She shouted across the room. The groceries she had from her car now loaded inside the house we're sitting in the kitchen. I grabbed the three large chocolate cakes she couldn't keep her eyes off of. I had bagged up a lot of junk food she bought and brought everything into her bedroom that was upstairs. I spread everything out onto her bed then came back down stairs to whisper in her ear, "Let's take this up to your bedroom. But keep your eyes closed."
She compiled with me. I helped her up the stairs, I could hear her labored breathing as we walked up the stairs. She crashed onto the bed once we entered the bedroom. I slipped her dress off of her and allowed all her fat to expose out into the cold air. She kept her whole house a bit chilly. Never knew why she did but that didn't matter. She kept her eyes closed. I cupped her beautiful large breasts. My hand were gripping her fat thigh, pinching it. I wanted to hold on to the fat and never let go. It felt so soft.
I unwrapped several small cakes started off with those. I fed her the entire box of Swiss Rolls. Following up with a box of twinkies. I pushed one between her lips, she chewed slowly, loving every bite of the sweet icing exploding into her mouth. I told myself, "I found the one."
bloating (liquid)
submission and domination
weight gain
2 chapters, created 6 years
, updated 6 years
Great work btw!