The gift

Chapter 1

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Hello! This is my first time writing a story like this, so I hope you can enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

"Man, this party's always boring." I said to myself while swirling the drink in my hand and gazing at the crowd of people in front of me. "Yo Art, why aren't you joining the others? Feeling shy?" One of my colleagues, Jim, asked me with a shit-eating grin. I sigh and smile at him. "Just not in the mood yet, besides the drinks here are really good." I take a sip of my drink. "And why are you here? I thought you said you were 'gonna party all night'? I asked him. He laughed while taking a drink for himself. "Gotta let my bones loose first, and alcohol is always the answer for that." He said while chugging his drink. He patted my back and smiled with that same shit-eating grin while walking towards the crowd of people. "Well I'm gonna go ahead and enjoy the party, don't sulk all night okay Art?" I shake my head and smirk towards him. "Yeah yeah, don't break any bones now ya party animal." He left while laughing and I returned to my own little world.

While enjoying the party from the bar, I gazed at the ring on my hand. Yes that’s right I am married. Not to a, what you consider, normal woman I might add. “Arthur, what are you doing all by yourself?” Surprised by the sudden voice that called me I stopped my inner monologue and turned to the source of the voice. My wife, Natalia, is standing there in a beautiful black dress that fits her body perfectly, her shiny pale blonde hair is untied and flowing freely.

A lot of people were now looking in her direction. I smiled and walked up to her, while walking to her I could hear whispers among the crowd saying how pretty and fit she is, HA! If only they knew what’s going on inside her head. When I reached her, I lightly kissed her lips “Well, you know how I feel about this yearly party.” She blushed and looked at me with a bit of worry on her face. “I know, you can leave early if you want.” I shake my head and smile at her. “And leave you all alone in a boring party? Not a chance.” Her expression softened a bit and a smile appeared on her face. “Thank you, and I'm sorry for always causing problems for you because of my position.” She said while having an apologetic face. “It’s fine really, besides, the drinks and food here are plenty and always so good.” I turned to her with a smirk and put my hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me. “Wouldn’t you agree?” Her face burned red from embarrassment, and quickly leaned in closer to me and lowered her voice to almost a whisper. “What did I tell you about teasing me in public?” I ignored her and continued teasing her. “Should I get you a plate? No, one plate is not enough for you huh?” A teasing smirk appeared on my face and I can hear her taking deep breaths, either from arousal or anger but knowing her it’s the former.

She finally regained her composure and looked at me. “Listen, I have to go on stage later because Mary had a little something involving me.” I look at her surprised. “Must be really important huh?” She nodded. “Yup! I have been given a gift of sorts from her.” Surprised by the news, I asked her. “A gift?” She nodded and smiled brightly. “Yup! And I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I will,” She then leaned in closer to my ear. “Master~.” My eyes widened the moment she said master. I looked at her and saw her smirking seductively at me. I was about to say something when loud cheering came from near the stage. “Would you look at that, looks like I have to go.” Before I could say anything to her she left to go to the stage.

“Good evening everyone.” Mary said into the mic. “Thank you all for coming to our company's yearly party. This year’s party is a special one for us. After a disappointing last year our company is finally back at its feet stronger than before, and it’s all thanks to all of your hard work. Give yourselves an applause.” The crowd cheered loudly and erupted into applause and Mary continued with her speech. After some time finally she called Natalia on stage. “And finally, as a reward for being the most hard working employee for the last couple of years, I have a gift for my best friend, Natalia and her husband.” I was surprised, confused and anxious at this announcement because the moment Mary said Natalia's husband, everyone started looking at me. I could only nervously chuckle and look at Natalia on stage who was smiling innocently. I’m going to punish her for this.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Mary continued. “Why include her husband you ask? Well Mr. Arthur has been working as hard if not harder than most of you these past couple of years. And knowing how much of a workaholic they both are I think a long break would be nice no?” She said jokingly. The crowd thankfully laughed at that, making the stares on me decrease.

After Mary finished her speech and everyone was back enjoying the party. I quickly searched for Natalia. When I found her, she was in the empty balcony area overlooking the buffet, looking at all the food with a little bit of blush on her face. I ran up to her and hugged her and whispered. “You are getting punished for not telling me that I was involved in that gift from Mary.” Her body stiffened and she nodded. “Good,” I stopped hugging her and looked at her. “And what are you doing here anyway?” She answered me with a smirk. “Well since we have a long holiday to look forward to, I was thinking that maybe we can do it, you know?” I decided to tease her a bit. “Do what?” I leaned closer to her ear. “Making you eat tons of junk food? Turning you into a fat, dirty and disgusting pig?” I can feel her body shaking from arousal as I continued. “Making you so fat that you can’t walk? So fat that you can’t reach your own pussy? Just laying in bed eating, eating and eating?” I pulled away to look at her face and saw that she was red from arousal. She quickly held my arm and whispered and started begging. “Let’s get out of here please, let’s go home and turn me into a fat disgusting pig.” I held her chin and made her look up to me. “How about we take a detour before going home?” She tilts her head cutely and I just sigh and chuckle at her. “Do you want fast food?” She nodded excitedly. “Then how about we get out of here and order every item on McDonald’s?” She looked at me surprised, but I wasn't done teasing her. “No. One of everything is not enough for a growing piggy like you huh? How about three of everything, hm?” I felt her body shake and she started to moan from the thought. Finally I grab her arm and leave the party with her.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Wadiyatalkin... 8 months
Amazing story. I’d love to see it expanded on.
Wisconfa 1 year
great story.... not sure exactly what the gift was