Chapter 1 - The beginning
The HuFarm and Fetish EmporiumAt last, I have finally saved enough money to retire and open the business I have always wanted. I have been dreaming about this day for over 10 years. What's funny is my friends thought that since I can BBQ so good that I should open a BBQ restaurant, but boy are they wrong! You see, I have this fetish and it is something that you might just understand.
I love foodies and feedees! There, now I've said it! You get it? I bet you do, but how exactly have I decided to open a business that caters to my fetish. Let me describe my little heaven on earth. I purchased a 500 acre ranch/farm in the Texas Hill Country that is completely self-sustaining. I have cattle (including the best Jersey Cows), pigs/hogs, and chickens. I grow all kinds of vegetables, and have several different types of fruit trees. In other words, I have very little need to purchase any outside groceries or goods.
Right in the middle of the ranch I have four custom built homes placed in a circle around an enormous pool, spa, and kitchen area. Each home has four large bedrooms, four oversized baths (with walk-in showers), and an enormous kitchen. Now what is different about the bedrooms is each one is a different size. The smallest bedroom is 500 square feet, the next largest is 750 square feet, and the largest is 1,000 square feet. My builder had no idea for how I was going to be using the property, but then again, it was none of his damn business! So, I bet you are wondering why I have all of these homes? Well, you're just going to have to wait but, I bet you can guess!
Oh yeah, before I forget, one of the bedrooms in each house serves as a special feeding and dining area and has its own well stocked kitchen. In one of the corners of the room I have a large and comfortable chair that is equipped with straps and the latest in funnel feeding technology. Also, there is a scale capable of weighing up to 800 lbs and a measuring tape that goes up to 120".
Now the last home is different from the first three. This special home only has two huge 1,250 square foot bedrooms, two 500 square foot bathrooms, and is equipped with a hoist and track, capable of lifting 2,000 pounds, that runs throughout the entire home.
Each home has several 70" curved ultra-high definition televisions, the latest in gaming, and a satellite system with all of the available channels. And, let's not forget the porn, there are several paid for porn sites that cater to the foodie and feedees fetish.
As I mentioned, right in the middle of the circle of houses is an Olympic sized pool, several hot tubs, spas, and an outdoor kitchen that is capable of hosting an enormous feast or luau. Not to mention, shuffle board, washers, a volleyball court, and a host of other outdoor games. I spared no expense!
So the question is, how will I make money from my significant investment? One thing I forgot to mention is the entire compound, with the exception of the toilet area, is rigged with audio capable cameras that is capable of streaming real time content to the Internet! So there it is, I've created the ultimate HuFarm that will cater to the most serious of the serious feedee and foodie. All, at no cost to the special ladies, that's right plural, that are specially chosen by me! All they have to be willing to do is eat, sleep, have fun, and be pampered. Oh yeah, and let's not forget; GROW!
Now, I need to place my ad. So I went to every foodie and feedee website I can find and placed two ads. Ones that would appeal to foodies and one that would appeal to feedees. Here's how they read:
For the Foodie
The HuFarm is now accepting applications for women that love to eat! Eating is your life. All you think about is eating good food, drinking good wine, and as soon as your last meal has digested you want more. The ideal candidate will weigh under 225 pounds and be willing to dedicate themselves to their fetish.
Imagine all the steak, ribs, ice cream, milk, candy, pork chops, gravy, heavy cream, etc. you can eat all at NO cost to you. All you have to do is eat, be measured, weighed, and be willing to have all of your activities streamed to the Internet. Also, you will have absolutely NO living expenses for I will provide the housing, generous clothing allowance, entertainment, and medical all with your own private bedroom and bath.
As an incentive, I will pay you a weekly stipend of $250 and I will add $10 for each pound you gain during the week. As a bonus, if you gain more than 10lbs in a week, I will add a $100 bonus to your check.
For the Feedee
The HuFarm is now accepting applications for women that love to be fed. Being fed and stuffed is your life, you cannot get the idea of someone constantly feeding you out of your mind. The thought of someone feeding you until your belly is heavy and full is such a sensual desire that you are willing to dedicate your life to being a feedee. The ideal candidate will weigh under 225 pounds and be willing to dedicate themselves to their fetish.
Your desire to grow your body only comes second to breathing. You celebrate each beautiful pound that you add. You never want to stop being fed. You never want to stop growing. Also, you will have absolutely NO living expenses for I will provide the housing, generous clothing allowance, entertainment, and medical all with your own private bedroom and bath.
As an incentive, I will pay you a weekly stipend of $250 and I will add $10 for each pound you gain during the week. As a bonus, if you gain more than 10lbs in a week, I will add a $100 bonus to your check.
I wonder how many applications I will receive!
3 chapters, created 8 years
, updated 8 years