The Queens Favorites

  By Rrrtree  

Chapter 1

The agreement started around the time of Queen Sylvi’s first pregnancy.

She didn’t get along much with the substandard (in her eyes) husband, Prince Wandal, who had been selected by the elders of the royal family to strengthen ties with a neighboring kingdom. Certainly, with his blue eyes and platinum blond hair he was charming and conventionally handsome. Across the two kingdoms, he actually quite well known for his beauty, countenance, and masculine skills such as horsemanship. He was kind, too, and respectful of her position as a powerful and decisive ruler. All in all, most would agree that even among royalty, Prince Wandal was an exceptional man.

But he as conventional as his beauty was, he was as conventional in the bedroom.

You see, Queen Sylvi had some peculiar tastes. And although she had been dropping hints since they’d met, the particularities of her preferences only become clear to Prince Wandal about several months into their tepid marriage.

At meals, the young Queen, gorgeous with her sharp brown eyes, olive complexion, and long dark hair, would never finish what had been set out for her on her plate. Queen Sylvi was rather petite, so such a habit did not seem unusual, but to the mild bemusement of her guests and the servants she insisted, nearly demanded, that Wandal to be the one to finish her food. After after a few weeks of this, their bedroom activities, previously limited to the occasional simple copulation, had shifted to include additional meals for the Prince along with massages. The meals were brought to the room and the Queen herself hand fed Wandal. It seemed strange to him, but the Queen was not one he wanted to question excessively, so he went along with it. When he grew stuffed and refused any more, she would have him lay back and massage sensual oil over his entire body. It did not take Wandal many of these sessions to register that the Queen was wanted to fatten him up, and that she took great pleasure in trying.

One evening in the Queen’s bedchamber, Wandal, to Sylvi’s surprise, went against her wishes and ordered the meals to be sent away.

“My Queen,” Wandal spoke trepidatiously, “I am not interested in the extra meals, however gracious the offer is. And I no longer wish to finish your plate at mealtimes. I only wish to eat until I myself feel that I am done. And as I notice my midsection becoming softer, I dislike it. Perhaps it is vanity, but I find the thought of myself becoming corpulent repugnant. So, without meaning offense, I would like to decline these types of activities with you. I apologize dearly for any disrespect or disappointment you may feel at my words.”

Queen Sylvi sighed. “I suspected as much. I am grateful you went along with it for as long as you did.”

An awkward moment passed. Wandal cleared his throat and spoke again. “Excuse my boldness, your majesty, but… if you were to find someone else to… fatten and participate in these endeavors of yours, I would be fully understanding and supportive.”

Sylvi felt conflicted at his words. It was common for royalty to take extramarital partners. But to do so this early on in her marriage… she was not sure that was something she wanted yet.

So the Queen put her desires aside for a couple years, and instead focused on ruling her country with grit. Eventually, her relationship with Prince Wandal, which had remained cordial and included the occasional intercourse, resulted in a pregnancy.

As months went by and the Queen’s appetite and weight increased, belly rounding out before her, her burning desires returned. She desired fat. A fat man, to be specific. A very, very rotund and heavy man. She so greatly wanted to do as Wandal suggested and take a paramour and transform him to the epitome of corpulence. Without much deliberation, she directed her staff to search for suitable candidates and bring them before her.

Within a week, ten men were brought to her drawing room and lined up before her. They were introduced one-by-one and made to stroll twice around the room. Then, the men were ushered out and brought in individually for an initial interview with the Queen. They were invited to undress, though some declined. Some were fat, some were slim, some were old, some were young, some were from nobility, some were commoners, but what all these men had in common was that they loved to eat to excess.

Sylvi narrowed it down to three choices and requested extended interviews with them at a later date. She requested the presence of her main advisor, her first lady-in-waiting, and Prince Wandal. Although her business-like relationship with Wandal lacked passion, she saw him as an upright and logical fellow, and she trusted his opinions.

The first man, an unmarried noble in his 40s from a southern province who desired to move to the capitol for an early retirement, was already enormously fat. So very obese, in fact, that Sylvi worried that after only a few months of her feedings he would balloon all the way to immobility. And while the thought such an extreme and utterly shocking transformation excited her, she wanted such a supreme amount of fat, an amount that would render a man unable to do anything for himself, to be her doing. Gorgeous as he was, he simply didn’t leave her enough room to work with.

The second man was quite young, only 20 years of age, and very handsome, even if he was on the thin side, with dark skin and long flowing hair. However, as the interview proceeded, the young man, the son of a baron who lived just outside city walls, made clear his political ambitions. Sylvi did not inherently object to a potential lover having government posts or titles or business himself, but she felt that someone with aspirations as intense as his would not be as amenable to her expansive desires as she would like.

The third man was an incredibly attractive man in his late 20s with a robust muscular frame with a very thin layer of fat on top. He was a commoner, but was had become quite well-to-do from running a linen mill. When asked how much time he could stay away from the business, how he would manage a shift in his lifestyle, how he would put off marriage, he replied decisively that would do whatever it cost to become very, very fat. That sealed the deal. His name was Aldegar and the Queen asked him to move in right away.
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