Chapter 1 - first encounter
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Zoe had spent nearly 30 minutes trying to get her campfire going. The young accountant knew that she was not meant for the woods, but day after day of sitting on her butt in an office had made her yearn to get out of the city. At 25 years old, the 132-pound girl had been struggling for months as her bitch of a boss left her mentally and emotionally drained. Taking out her frustrations on the pieces of wood in front of her, Zoe worked even harder as she recalled the life she had been living back home. [She makes 4x what I do and yet I’m the one doing all the work. She doesn’t give a shit about me, only making herself look good so she can make even more money.] As friction finally gave way to fire, Zoe pushed the wood into the bundle of kindling.
“Yes! That’s fucking right!” she cheered, fanning the flames before stepping back and watching the fire grow in front of her. Looking around, the fire had come just in time as the sun began to disappear behind the mountains. Sitting down by the fire, Zoe marveled at her creation before pulling out a bag of trail mix, munching away as she watched the sky grow darker. Being out in the wildness made her feel so free, yet she couldn’t shake this nagging feeling that this would all be short-lived. “Oh, what I would give to live this life every day. No high-stress job, no bitch of a boss, no responsibilities. Just living off the land, doing whatever I want.”
Looking towards the sky, she found the void of darkness to be filled with more stars than she had ever seen in her entire life. Gazing into the deep black night, Zoe watched as a streak of light shot across the sky. [A shooting star! Better make a wish.]
Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and reflected.
“I wish… to live a simpler, happier life. One where I am free of stress. Where I can do what I want and never worry about having money for food.”
Zoe sat silently, watching the night sky as the fire crackled below. “Well… guess I might as well read or something” she said before standing up and walking towards the tent. Yet as she grabbed the zipper to her temporary home, the world went white as a massive explosion went off only a few hundred yards from her campsite. The sound itself made her jump three feet into the air, causing her to fall on top of her tent, collapsing the structure in a heap. “What the fuck was that!?” she screamed, her eyes and ears disoriented from the sudden blast. Getting back to her feet, Zoe caught the remnants of a large fire plume not too far from her location. “This can’t be real, what the heck was that?”
Zoe stood in stunned silence as she watched the flames and smoke strangely die down. “That’s weird… I need to figure out what the heck that was.” Grabbing a flashlight, Zoe hit the nearest trail and began walking in the direction of the explosion. As she approached the source of the blast, the trees around her appeared to be burnt to a crisp, yet there was no fire or smoke to be found. As she neared what appeared to be a crater, the young girl gasped as she looked upon a strange object at the center of the crash site. The object was shaped like an egg and was roughly the size of a four-door sedan. The silvery-chrome structure certainly didn’t look man-made, yet it didn’t necessarily look like a spaceship either. Zoe simply stood in place, gawking at the strange sight before a loud hiss emitted from the object, a burst of steam filling the air as the structure split in two.
Ducking behind a large nearby bolder, Zoe covered her mouth as she began to panic. [Holy shit! What the hell is that thing?] The girl sat still for a moment as she listened to the sound dissipate. Quietly crawling out from behind the boulder, Zoe edged her way to the crater’s rim until she could see down below. The silver egg had split right down the middle, and a large pool of blue jelly was wiggling its way out from within. As her eyes caught the sight of the blue ooze, Zoe once again panicked as she twisted back towards the boulder, accidentally striking her elbow against a large rock that proceeded to cascade down into the crater.
Zoe sat quietly as panic coursed through her veins. [Did I see what I think I saw?] After a few moments of sitting in silence, Zoe decided to crawl back over to the crater’s edge once again against her better judgment. The object was sitting in the same place as before, yet the blue ooze was resting in a puddle on the ground. [I swore that liquid was moving… but maybe not…] Zoe scanned the scene for another minute before growing anxious. Turning on her flashlight, she waved the beam over the crash site, confirming that the blue liquid was sitting lifelessly in a puddle beside the silver structure. [Wow this is crazy. I need to get a picture of this, otherwise nobody will believe me.]
Slowly working her way down the crater, Zoe pulled out her phone and began taking pictures of the scene. She found the object to be a hollowed-out shell, appearing to have cracked open much like an egg. Staring at the pool of blue liquid, Zoe estimated that the object must have contained nearly 20 gallons of the mystery goo. Kneeling beside the puddle, Zoe stared into her blue reflection as she felt a strange presence within her mind. [What… is that? Is someone there?] Dropping her flashlight, Zoe covered her ears and looked into the sky as a mysterious voice whispered to her. “Who’s there!? What do you want!?” she screamed at no one in particular.
The whispers sounded like a chorus of a thousand foreign languages being spoken at once. Squinting her eyes in pain, she could hardly take anymore of the mental assault when the noise suddenly cut out. Blinking incredulously, Zoe looked around for an explanation before her eyes returned to the blue puddle before her. She watched in stunned silence as a tendril of liquid rose to eye level before the whispers returned.
“I… want… YOU!”
Zoe’s eyes shot wide open as the ooze forced itself on her, the mass of liquid leaping upon her body as she was pinned to the ground. Struggling underneath its weight, Zoe’s mouth was slowly pried open as the liquid forced its way inside. The girl struggled to breath as large baseball-sized lumps appeared to flow down her throat as the young girl was forced to swallow gulp after gulp of invading liquid. Beginning to feel unnaturally full, Zoe cried and moaned as she felt her stomach quickly reaching its limit. [OH MY GOD I’M GOING TO EXPLODE]. Her slim belly soon appeared to be nine-months pregnant as the blue ooze would not relent. Just as she felt her body reaching its limits, a tingling sensation overtook her stomach as her moaning intensified. Feeling the sensation spread throughout her body, Zoe’s moans turned to screams of terror as she looked down upon her body. Her once relatively slim stomach was now completely exposed, appearing to be heavily pregnant with quintuplets while her shirt was forced upwards into her chest.
Bringing her tingling hand closer to her face, Zoe looked on in horror as her dainty hand quickly fattened up, her thin fingers turning into thick sausages right before her eyes. Soon her wrist followed, chunking up as new fat invaded her arm, erasing all signs of muscle as her feminine arms were transformed into husky tubes of pure fat. As her arms rounded out, a growing pressure around her chest brought her tearful eyes to her breasts. Peering through the fabric of her t-shift and bra, Zoe watched as her perky C-cups began to expand, testing the confines of her clothing. [OH GOD IT HURTTSSSSS]
In one sudden burst, her t-shirt and bra ripped clean off as her breasts quickly tripled in size, the remnants of her clothing floating into the liquid before dissolving into nothing. Zoe’s breasts lost their youthful perkiness as they grew to the size of beachballs, her areola expanding to match, transforming from small silver-dollars into huge pancakes. Her nipples were the last part of her chest to join the fun, turning into thick nubs built perfectly for nursing. [My beautiful body… why is this happening to me???]
The whispers returned once again, filling her mind as she felt physically and mentally overwhelmed. “Hussshhh. It’ll be over sooonnnn…”
The blue ooze intensified its invasion, cramming itself down her throat with renewed vigor as it sensed her will to fight waning. Zoe watched through tears as her belly began growing once again, only the new growth was much softer as fresh fat began multiplying around her midsection. Her pregnant-looking belly soon lost all definition as her taut belly turning into a shapeless paunch. Zoe turned her head to the sky in defeat as red stretch marks began to appear across her body, her weight climbing into the 300s as she felt new fat being pumped into her waist, a growing pain coming from her hips as her ass cheeks double in size before…
Her underwear and shorts were torn from her body. Zoe closed her eyes and felt the fat flood her legs as the weight of the ooze atop her body began to evaporate; the gap between her thighs disappearing as her slim and athletic legs were replaced with thick and fatty thunder thighs. Her face and neck were the last to join in as her angelic jawline was washed away under a sea of adipose; a large blob of fat nestling under her chin as her cheeks swelled into ponderous jowls. When the last drops of ooze disappeared between her plump lips, the moon-faced fatty released a drawn-out moan as she felt the last bits of fat nestle into her body. The 130-pound girl had been transformed into a 375-pound woman.
The tremendous belch sent ripples through her massive form as she laid still on the ground, her mind becoming the latest battleground as she tried to fight off the invader. When she finally realized she could not resist her new master’s will, a single tear rolled down her cheek.
“Get up fatty, it’s time to feed.”
College Fiction
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
4 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years