The Weight of Brotherhood

Chapter 1

James had always prided himself on staying fit. As a personal trainer, his lean physique and chiseled abs were his calling card. Clients flocked to him for guidance, hoping to achieve the level of fitness he had spent years perfecting. He worked long hours at the gym, always pushing others to their limits while maintaining his own strict diet and workout regimen. He lived by the motto, “Success is discipline.”

But one day, that discipline was tested in an unexpected way.

It all began when James met Trevor, a wealthy businessman and long-time client. Trevor was struggling with his weight and often looked up to James as the epitome of what he wanted to be. But over time, Trevor’s goals shifted. Instead of admiring James’ lean body, Trevor developed a fascination with weight gain, fantasizing about what it would be like for someone as fit as James to become larger and softer.

One evening, after a grueling workout, Trevor approached James with a proposition.

“James, how would you like to make some serious money? I mean, more than you’ve ever made from training.”

Intrigued but cautious, James asked, “What’s the catch?”

Trevor smiled slyly, leaning in closer. “I want to see what you’d look like with some extra weight on you. A lot of weight.”

James laughed, assuming it was a joke, but Trevor’s expression remained serious. “I’ll pay you handsomely—$10,000 for every 20 pounds you gain. You’ll be free to take a break from training others and focus solely on this transformation.”

James was speechless. The thought of intentionally gaining weight went against everything he had ever stood for. But the offer was tempting. The money could change his life. He could finally afford the down payment on his dream home, maybe even start his own gym. After a moment of hesitation, James reluctantly agreed.

The transformation started slowly. Trevor hired a chef to prepare fattening meals for James, ensuring he consumed an excessive number of calories every day. At first, James could hardly stomach the rich, greasy food. His body rebelled against the constant indulgence, and he found himself missing the clean, balanced meals that had kept him fit for years.

Weeks passed, and the changes became more apparent. His once-defined abs softened into a slight paunch, and his clothes started to feel tighter. Clients at the gym noticed too, and some even commented on how James seemed to be letting himself go. The shame gnawed at him, but the money kept coming, and Trevor encouraged him to keep going.

As the months dragged on, James’ weight skyrocketed. His muscles became buried under layers of fat, and he struggled to recognize himself in the mirror. The face that had once been angular and sharp now appeared rounder, softer. His confidence took a hit, and he found himself avoiding the gym altogether. The temptation to quit was strong, but Trevor’s offer kept him going.

By the time James hit 300 pounds, he was a completely different person. His former athleticism had disappeared, replaced by a slower, lumbering gait. He was constantly out of breath, and simple tasks, like walking up stairs, became exhausting. The fitness trainer who had once inspired so many now found himself trapped in a body he never wanted, forced to confront the consequences of his choices.

Trevor, however, was thrilled. He would regularly visit James, bringing him more food and watching him eat with satisfaction. “You’re incredible, James,” he would say, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he surveyed the ever-growing man before him. “I never thought you’d come this far.”

Despite his physical transformation, James couldn’t shake the feeling of regret. The money no longer seemed worth it. He had lost something far more valuable—his sense of identity. But with no clear way out, James realized that gaining the weight had been the easy part. Now, he faced the harder task of reclaiming his former self.
1 chapter, created 1 month , updated 1 month
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Gleek2008 6 days
I would love to see this continued on.
TimetTheWolf 3 weeks
Fantastic first chapter. Can't wait for the next