
Vicksburg, Mississippi, United States  
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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part of the body do you think most attractive being fat?
Ha, my wife loves my mini-fupa :-) And of course I love her large one :-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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which is your favourite chocolate dessert (international chocolate day)?
Love some chocolate cream pie of any variety. As for chocolate bars, I’m partial to Hershey’s Special Dark.
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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best food for a growing beer belly
Besides beer, pizza and pasta is sure to keep your belly round :-) Mine is big and hard from it. All visceral:-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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No worries, I’m sure :-) I’ve not seen your pics and I’m out of pic views for right now, but your profile pic is lovely! Hope to see more when I can.
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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earliest sign of a belly
My belly got big in my 30s. Went from about 150 to 180 and stayed there a while until just the past year. I’ve hit 200 recently and am now in a 40-42 for my pants and boxers. My waist was onl...
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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fat belly rolls when you're sitting down
Mine is just a big beach ball of visceral fat, so no rolls per se. my wife’s on the other hand covers half her thighs when she’s sitting down and has a nice double effect :-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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mutual gaining relationships
Awesome to hear stories of steady gaining :-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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sucking your stomach in
I’m unable to suck on my belly anymore, which is a good thing on a lot of levels :-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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what made you wanna gain weight?
Take care of my home state while you’re there :-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
I’m quite proud of this one, after a full plate of dinner :-) I couldn’t suck in my big, viscerally fat belly if I wanted to!
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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watching my s/o become the fat one
That’s awesome, man!

My other half has been north of 300 pounds for about 15 years now. Gained a bunch for her first pregnancy and just kept going. Her shoulders are so sexy….just disappeari...
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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skinny to huge
Me, three! It’s taken a long time, but I’m just above 200 now. Be patient; it’ll get there :-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
new topic in Gaining forum
bones to rolls
Ok, serious-minded FA’s out there. Who here went from being able to see their rib cage to having fat rolls in just a few years? In my own case, it was bones to seeing a basketball belly. Aaaaand go
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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too rude people on this site...
Well-put and written, Jess. The chat is a nice place because of the people who post in it. Best people anywhere!
HappyBigBelly 2 years
Had been a whole two weeks since the belly appeared last. Was time to show off tonight’s pasta :-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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the dreaded plateau
I can relate. 200 is my plateau and it’s been rough trying to surpass it. Pizza and pasta keep me close, though ;-)
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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does anyone love wearing outgrown clothes in public ?
Let it shine, girl! Summer is for showing off how beautiful you are!
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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my preference for body size has gotten bigger over time
I didn’t ever think I’d be so attracted to members of the 300 club, but being with my wife a while has expanded my horizon more than what it already was :-) Her belly covers up her lap and her ...
HappyBigBelly 2 years
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tattoos for a fat wife
Oh, understood :-) The artist might have to find a way to tuck the lower part of it in her fat rolls. Shouldn’t be much of a challenge with a good artist!
HappyBigBelly 2 years
Just admiring my own contours here :-)