Women gaining is hot

Nothing turns me on more than watching a woman gain weight over time. It is a huge turn-on for me. During this corona virus it will be interesting to see how many of my female friends and in-laws pack on the pounds. Spring is also a great time for weight gain viewing as I love it when it gets warm and women are no longer wearing jackets or sweaters and they are bulging out of their summer tops, shorts and jeans. It is so incredibly hot and now combined with coming out of quarantine the viewing should be even more of a turn-on.
4 years

Grandma overfeeding me

I had an Italian grandmother who felt if you were not overweight you were not healthy. Old school in many ways but nice. Since you would like to try gaining, I would say to your grandmother "You are right Grandma, I am too skinny and I would like to gain some weight, so thank you for cooking for me. But please not so much that I feel sick." And then at the next meal show your appreciation by eating more but not to the point of discomfort. You can then control how much you gain and really enjoy the process. And then every week you can show her your progress by patting your belly and telling her how much you gained. Grandma's cooking is always great, at least in my experience, and I loved overindulging whenever I visited.
4 years

Fat women in public

Nothing wrong at looking at big, beautiful women in public unless you are staring and making the person uncomfortable. To me that is what makes life worth living. You can enjoy looking at women who you find attractive, possibly walk behind them for a ways; or enjoy watching a beautiful fat woman at a restaurant enjoying her own meal. I know when I am at the local fitness center I enjoy seeing fat women in the pool or working out in the same room with me. Its all part of the spice of life.
4 years

Skinny guy (with fat wife) starts to gain

So I've always been an FA and encourager; my wife gained about 80 pounds in the first few years we started dating (270 was her highest). She knows about my fetish relating to women gaining weight, and indulges me but isn't into it herself. Recently she dieted down to ~235 for health reasons and seems to be maintaining that. She is still super sexy and I'm very happy.

The new thing is that I turned 30 and started trying to bulk up while lifting weights. I was never able to gain weight when I was younger, although I was always only trying to gain muscle. This time I figured, I might be able to gain since my metabolism might have slowed down. Well, that turned out to be true. I gained about 20 pounds of muscle / fat (up to 170 at 6'1"smiley, and then slowly stopped lifting (due to laziness) while continuing to drink high calorie protein shakes. In my mind I was going to get back into lifting. I started turning softer and my wife made a few comments. One was when she hugged me and sort of squeezed my midsection and said 'hmm, you're getting... ' and in my mind I was like SAY IT but I had never felt that way before, it felt thrilling. Another time I mentioned something I wanted to eat and she said it was too fattening, and I said well I want it, and she said "you know what dear? you can get as fat as you want" as she smiled at me and again it made me so happy.

So I finally admitted to her that I think my fetish extends to myself gaining as well, and I want to explore getting bigger. She seemed very surprised but is supportive, and she'll pat my belly occasionally and smile knowingly at me. I'm so incredibly fulfilled lately to be feeling like I'm finally being true to myself, living out a desire that I didn't even know about.

I can't wait until I'm as big as her, or even bigger!

Just wanted to share.

I loved reading this. I had the same discovery and gained 130 lbs. over a 12 year period, enjoying my own fattening for the first time. Its wonderful to be who you really want to be and gaining freely is so much fun and a real turn-on.
4 years

New to this forum, and stuffing

Hi, I'm Kyra. I've been a lurker around here for a while, finally decided to make an account and actually say hi. As for the reason I'm posting here... Well I've always loved the idea of being stuffed until I can barely move. But I've never had the means to really do so. So I'm looking for some help and advice on pulling that off!

Welcome to Fantasy Feeder Kyra. I always have liked going to one of my favorite restaurants and ordering my favorite things on the menu, making sure I start with an appetizer, have a complete entree and a fattening desert. Add to it some delicious bread and butter, and several glasses of wine. My goal is always to feel "pleasurably stuffed" the point where your belly is full, you do not feel uncomfortable to the point of painful, but know that you cannot eat one more bite. And you have some difficulty rising from the table or getting out of the booth because you are on the verge of a food coma. Such a wonderful feeling!
4 years

'tis the season

I'm expecting an early Christmas gift to arrive next week but this present comes with strings attached. In exchange for a new scale, I've agreed to make sure that it works by packing on a few more pounds.

Next stop: 465 lbs

I have always loved your posts Miss Porker. And your photos and videos. Your passion for eating and gaining is second to none. Now indeed is the season to really pack it on. I love the time between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. My 60" belly loves being filled with goodies and I usually gain 10-12 lbs. and enjoy every minute of it.
4 years

I desided to get fat

lili valo:
hi everyone i have desided to get fat i just dont know how big what do u Guys think?

Since you are 4'11" and currently 180 lbs. per your profile, you must be delightfully plump. If you want to gain more, take it slow and steady and allow your body to adjust to each new weight level. Continue to exercise and walk or bike ride. It will keep your cardio system healthy and having strong legs is very important to comfortably carrying the extra weight. I would suggest starting out with 200 lbs. as a goal and see how your feel once you reach it and then you can decide if you want to gain more. The process of fattening up can be fun and delicious!
4 years

I don't know what to do?

Tastes and preferences often change. You might someday fall deeply in love and be content with your partner's natural weight gain without even thinking "I wish he would get fatter", etc. There are ways to enjoy aspects of this without becoming a feeder.

I've realized that what is most important for me is that they have a hearty appetite and a passion for food, as well as being totally comfortable and confident with their body and okay with gaining naturally as a result of their enjoyment of good food. The only deal breaker would be if they were fat phobic and obsessed with maintaining a low weight.

I think this is great advice and as is what Ditzy posted. I have been attracted to heavier women my entire life, ever since junior high when I had crushes on plump teachers and liked dating chubbier girls in high school. If you like blond hair guys only or thinner, taller guys, you probably wouldn't think it was a fetish. Liking fatter guys is no different. You can date, maybe even marry a heavier guy and have a wonderful life. You don't have to be a feeder. I have fattened up naturally over the years, putting on over 100 lbs. I work out regularly, eat normally but have a good, hearty appetite at times and do not deny myself anything when it comes to food. I have stayed at 280lbs. for over 25 years now.

You can watch your guy gain naturally too. He would probably really appreciate it if you did not nag him about what he eats and really liked his fatter physique. Most married couples in this country are overweight and fatten up naturally over time. You can really enjoy the process. And you can incorporate food into your sex life, and have fun feeding each other without feeling guilty that you are weird or going against what God has in store for you. Enjoy your preferences. They are not anti-Christian or somehow sinful. Find a hefty guy who you find attractive and go for it. I know he will appreciate it.
4 years

Who else is growing for the holidays?

I absolutely love the period between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. I just let myself go and enjoy all the cookies, cake, pie, drinks, desserts from parties, get togethers, etc. By New Years Day I have usually put on 10 to 12 lbs. And it feels so good!
4 years

Heavy guy stuff

All bed stores in the States at least have a wide variety of mattresses for every size and weight. For clothes you can go to KingSize.com or DSXL.com. They also have a home division called Living Large that has all sorts of outdoor and indoor furniture, personal care, items, etc. tailor made for people over 300 lbs.
4 years