Amy willard

chapter 1

Amy Willard was born into beauty with a mother that was a super model and her father a retired quarterback and now NVC's most handsome commentators. With thick and luscious lips and baby doll eyes, Amy had the face of an angel. Her body likewise was gifted from Aphrodite herself, naturally thin waisted with slightly flaring hips and a descent C cup.

If Amy were to never put on makeup, nor ever go to the gym, she would still have been a head turner. However, as the gods would have it, her parents were both obsessive over appearance which she found annoying. Yes, Amy liked the pampering, including spa treatments, mani-petis, facials and even the waxings, but she loathed working out and watching her diet.

Even though she enjoyed being the most popular girl all the way through elementary school and through her days at college, Amy always wondered what it would be like to just let herself go. Not too much, but just to let her hair down, and not worry about caloric intake vs calories burned. She also even imagined what it would be like to have a big plump belly, thick thighs, and a jiggly ass.

If she were being honest with herself, she often wondered if she might have been gay or not as she found the very sight of her freshman roommate intoxicating. Laurie Fletcher was the complete opposite of Amy in every way. Where Amy was 5'11 inches tall and weighed only 150 lbs, Laurie was the same height, but weighed an impressive 250lbs. From her "thick" stature to her over the top attitude about "enjoying all that life has to offer", they were opposites.

One would think these girls wouldn't get along, but that was the opposite from the truth. Sure they were the odd couple as they paled around campus, but no one dared say a word to the schools top basketball player and team captain. As a freshman the 5'10 beauty led the team in scoring and won the national title for Grossman University, beating out all of the top college programs in the country. The bottom line, she was a Goddess and if she liked hanging out with her fat, trailer park fatty, it was a okay. In fact, all of the fakers who wanted in on some of Amy's fame and luxuries, were all very nice to the fat girl, at least to her face.

After the season ended, Laurie introduced the vegan girl to alcohol, meats and even marijuana. Amy's new diet was mitigated by her rigorous work out routines, with her only slightly losing her tone and muscle definition. Amy didn't worry too much as it was the off season, and as she figured, she had plenty of time to get back into game shape. However, she had more pressing issues on her mind. Laurie had won a college competition an received two tickets to travel through Europe for the whole summer.
31 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 5 years , updated 2 years
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Austin Micha... 4 years
I honestly would love chapter 32 to come
Growingsofter 4 years
Love the advice
Austin Micha... 4 years
Please continue this story where Amy starts dating fat men and she continues getting fatter
AndiFive 5 years
Please continue with this story, it is incredible.
Growingsofter 5 years
Those aren't spelling errors. I do that on purpose. My little signature.
Aquarius64 5 years
I love the story, watch your spelling of similarly sounding words with different meanings such as weight/wait, but/butt.
EmilyMoon 5 years
Her mom's reaction is so hot smiley I love your stories!
EmilyMoon 5 years
All 15 chapters were amazing, please make a chapter on Amy's parents and friends reacting to her gain!