Opposites Attract 2

Chapter 1



About 5 weeks after Jen and I agreed to keep our strange relationship just physical things were going incredibly well! I moved out of my bed sit and moved into one of the many rooms in the mansion so I got to see her everyday and we were having regular sex although it was always in her terms never mind, I could never advocate sex I always had to wait for Jennifer to instigate something.

She wasn’t to difficult to crack though, all I’d have to do is cook her a big meal, feed her or sometimes just take my top off and Jen was good to go!

As time went on though we did become more of a proper couple, we’d talk and laugh together, watch movies and tv series whilst holding hands and she was also letting me sleep in her bed every night, where we’d fall asleep cuddled up to each other! Even to this day I’ve never slept so good, her body was like a giant soft pillow!

Speaking of her body she had noticeably put on some weight since I first met her, most people probably wouldn’t even notice because she was already so big but I could tell...her hips were a little wider, her belly hanging a little low, her breasts a little swollen...of course I didn’t mind!

Jen was starting to feel the extra weight on her shoulders though she often complained that she was getting to big and it was causing her joints to ache when she moved but then she would demand to be fed an unorthodox amount of fattening food!

I remember the day we found out how much she’d put on since being with me..how could I forget...it was the day my life started to crumble apart...

I was laying in bed watching tv, Jen was in the en-suite ‘freshening up’ after digesting a sausage McMuffin, a sausage bagel, a cheese and bacon flatbread and 2 hash browns from McDonald’s for breakfast

‘James!’ Jen shouted from inside the bathroom

‘Yes Jen?’ I called back

‘Have you got a sec I need your help!’ She followed up

I hopped off the bed a hesitantly opened the en-suite door. Jen was standing butt naked except for a black a pair of black panties which she had tucked her belly into causing her belly to split vertically in the middle from the bottom. She was looking down at a large scale and looked a little frustrated

‘What’s up?’ I asked although it wasn’t hard to read the situation

‘I’m trying to weigh myself but I can’t see the number over this fucking great thing!’ Jen huffed slapping her bloated belly causing it to sway and brush her knees

‘Can you look for me?’ She followed up

‘Of course I can Jen’ I smiled ‘ok step on’

Jen took a step forward onto the heavy duty scale and I watched the digital display flash as it calculated Jennifer’s immense weight. After the few seconds 646.3 displayed in bold red numbers.

‘Well, what does it say?’ Jennifer snapped impatiently

‘Six hundred and forty six point three’ I told her cautiously

‘I knew it!’ Jen barked ‘I knew I’d gained weight again!’ She followed up sounding annoyed with herself before stepping off the scale, turning around and leaving the bathroom
7 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Wafflel554 1 year
Please make a part 3 where she cheats on the guy and he fattens he up even more 🙏
FAMiller56 4 years
Like it!
Theswordsman 4 years
I really hope she changes her mind
Bruinsean 4 years
Good story. It has a Euro-ending.