Chapter 1 - Anything for that smile
It wasn't much at first. The slight beginnings of flab on her mostly flat tummy. Thighs that seemed all too happy to bulge out from beneath the hem of her booty shorts. It was easy to quell her fears back then."Do you think I'm getting fat?"
"Are you kidding? Absolutely not. Even if you were, it wouldn't matter."
She smiled at that. God, you loved her smile. She was slim, but her face had always been a bit round, and her smiles always showed off her little, chubby, rosey cheeks.
She had a heck of a sweet tooth, so you couldn't help but regularly buy her all sorts of treats and desserts. Anything to see that smile on her face.
Though, that started to take its toll on her figure. When it got to the point where she had to update her wardrobe, she cried. You comforted her and reassured her that you will always love her and think she's beautiful. Size didn't matter.
That calmed her down at the time, but she still felt self conscious for a while. You showered her with compliments everyday while continuing to come home with all sorts of delectable treats that always brought that cute smile to her face. Her cheeks were even slightly chubbier now, and there was a slight hint of a double chin forming. You didn't mind it one bit - in fact, you thought it made her look even cuter.
Slowly, she started to grow more comfortable in her body, even as it continued to grow. The next time she went up a size, she didn't cry, though she still felt worried. Worried that she was gaining too fast for us to be able to afford the visits to the clothing shops that were soon to become regular. Already from a pretty well-off family, you also had a good paying job on top of that. Everything was fine, you reassured her. She was still beautiful.
And she truly was still beautiful. Even as her flabby tummy expanded and split into two rolls, even as her thighs thickened to the point where they touched all the way down to her knees, even as arm began to jiggle with every slight movement, and even as her double chin became noticeable regardless of how she posed her face, she was still beautiful in your eyes.
Soon you weren't just bringing home sweets everyday for her to enjoy for dessert, but also stocking the cabinets and fridge for plenty of snacks and junk food for her to enjoy throughout the day. At first you did this cause you noticed more frequently that delivery orders were being placed on your joint bank account, but then you soon noticed that the delivery orders hadn't decreased in the slightest, despite the fact that the food in the house was definitely also being consumed. All you needed was one glance at her smiling face, now rounder than ever, to not mind this development at all.
You became used to coming home to find her taking up most of the couch while sitting up, her thick thighs having to be spread far apart to make room for her apron belly to hang down slightly. Her boobs hanged freely, as she didn't bother to put on a bra unless she was leaving the house - an adventure for her that was becoming less and less frequent. She would rarely wear more than a pair of panties that you could barely even see and a t-shirt that fit about 50 pounds ago. Surrounding her would be all sorts of wrappers, take-out bags, and dozens of empty soda bottles.
"You're so beautiful," you would remind her as you watch her face light up at the sight of the chocolate cake made for eight that you brought just for her. She never bothered to be neat anymore when she ate, as her main focus was just getting the food in her stomach as soon as possible. Soon her face, hands, and chest were covered in chocolate frosting as you rubbed her spoiled belly.
At this point, you were starting to worry a bit about her, but you barely even acknowledge the thought until one night when it was time to go to bed, you stood up from the couch with ease and it wasn't until you were almost in the room that you realized she was struggling to stand up. Her breathing was uneven, her body was working up a sweat, and her cheeks were flushed a bright pink as she rocked her body back and forth to work up enough momentum to get off the couch. It was then that you realized that this was probably normal for her now.
After that night, you bought a new couch that was much higher off the ground, so it would be a lot easier for her to more or less slide on and off the couch, and installed a few balance bars around the house. She found herself feeling insecure again, and apologized for all the money you spent on all these upgrades. You simply held her close with a smile - your hands barely managing to touch her back - and whispered in her ear "Anything for my beautiful girl."
It was starting to become a habit of yours to check the joint account balance regularly while at work. Not because you were strapped for cash - you weren't lying to her when you said everything was fine financially - but because you found it interesting to see how much she was eating while you were gone. Once, on a day where you had to work a ten hour shift, she had ordered delivery seven times. And even then, when you checked the cabinets at home, she definitely still enjoyed plenty of the junk food at home. She also certainly didn't struggle for a second with sheet cake meant for twelve people you brought home for her.
The new couch you bought, which was designed to sit three people, was just barely able to handle the two of you cuddling on it, especially since she had gotten to the point where even with her legs spread far apart to make room for her gargantuan belly, thighs still touched most of the way down. Something hard to notice unless you're lifting up her stomach to access certain areas.
“You’re so beautiful,” you told her as you caressed her gargantuan belly that was getting close to her knees when she sat, looking up at her smiling face that was smeared with stains from all of the food she had been consuming throughout the day as you worked.
At first, it was just for a birthday gift. You had hired a maid to bring her food throughout the day and help her with any of her needs, so she didn’t have to leave her bed at all if she wanted to. She was so happy that day, and checking your bank account showed she had ordered more food than ever before. Though as the days passed and it was becoming more and more for her to get around the house without heavily relying on the support beams and taking frequent breaks, you decided it was best to hire them full-time.
“You’re so beautiful,” you told her as you did your best to snuggle in bed. Despite the king size, her massive form had you clinging to her roles of fat to not fall off the edge. You don’t remember the last time she bothered to wear clothes, or the last time she managed to stand up without help. Moving around was so difficult that she rarely got up for any reason than to use the bathroom these days.
Though still, your favorite sight was her smiling face as a delectable treat was presented to her, even if now that smile was surrounded by hundreds of pounds of fat that left her bedridden.
1 chapter, created 4 years
, updated 3 years