A Quick Feast

Chapter 1 - A quick feast

Kate sat down at her dining room table. In front of her was a wide spread of fast food, Chinese, soups, pasta, pizza, whole milk, chocolates, whipped cream cans, and probably some other items you couldn't immediately see as it was all stacked.

Weighing about 220 lbs, Kate was fairly pale but pretty. She was intentionally wearing a tight tank top that didn't cover her plump belly and shorts a little too small for her. Her long brown hair was tied back to not get in the way of eating, and she rubbed her large breasts. Her butt was large and hanging over the sides of the chair, and her thighs didn't come together fully.

Reaching in, she grabbed a slice of pizza and begun to dig in. Shoving food past her lips, she would quickly chew and swallow her food, to grab another slice of pizza while starting to shovel creamy fattening pasta down as well. It didn't take long for small bits of food to be lost on her shirt and cleavage, but Kate didn't notice.

Slowly, but visibly, you could see her stomach start to swell with the food she was gorging on. It pushed her shirt up from halfway, and more into her lap. It didn't take long for some of the food to take effect on her body either, as her love handles started to thicken more and her boobs began to pull the tank top tighter as it rode up. Her thighs pushed against each other just a little more with each bite, swallow. Kate's arms would plump up a little more, and her butt would widen just a tiny bit more.

Finishing the first pan of pasta and her 2nd pizza, she continued without a beat to some of the Chinese food and the 3rd pizza. As she continued on, her belly would round out and inch down her legs more as it would continue to fill with the fattening food. A stitch would pop in the side of her shirt here and there as her engorged tits would swell with fat, and her shorts started to rip. Slurping noodles and pouring rice into her mouth, Kate didn't slow down on her binge. She felt her belly soften as fat covered it, but continue to swell larger as she stuffed it with more food.

Finally, her shirt ripped and Kate shrugged it off before resuming her feast. Her shorts ripped and fell off, as her ass would swell and raise her higher and higher. Her breasts stayed round and pushed volley ball size as they grew larger. Her belly, on the other hand, was halfway to her knees round and swollen..and visible growing bigger.

It didn't take Kate long to finish most of the solid foods, as she slurped down the last of the Chinese food and her fourth pan of pasta. Her belly reached her knees, the fat surrounding it sagging down on the sides of her thickened thighs, and sat between them the size of a rather large beach ball. Her breasts weren't too far behind, as they sat at basketball and still rounded. Her ass, however was competing with her belly and while losing, began to put pressure on the hardwood chair she sat on.

If Kate were to pause from her eating and look around, she would notice 4 jugs of whole chocolate milk she mixed herself, 3 large pots of creamy fattening soup, and her 7 jumbo cans of whipped cream. And while she did look around, all she did was grab a pot of soup, maneuvered it to her lips and began to drink deeply. With each gulp, her belly swelled past her knees and more to the sides as the fat piled on. Her breasts moved to the sides to accommodate for their size as they swelled larger with each swallow. As her legs were made to move further apart, her thighs swelled with fat and her ass lifted her higher and higher.

Once the 3rd pan of soup, and 2nd jug of milk was finished, the chair finally collapsed. This didn't stop Kate, she just stood right on up, her hunger empowering her 800 lb body to eat and fatten Her belly, the size of beanbag, sat heavy on her sagging to the knees and 4 feet out. Her breasts were nearly beach ball sized and her ass was nearly as large as the belly. Thighs were 3 feet wide and shook with fat. Grabbing the last two jugs, she gulped it down quickly, visibly making her body fatten more as her belly was stuffed.

"Now, for dessert.." Kate said with a smile reaching for the cans…

It took a minute, but she savored the taste as it pushed down her throat. But Kate lied in bed shortly after, on her back. Her belly, over 5 feet tall on her, sagged still past her knees and had a couple of feet to her sides with her fat. Her ass was almost as large, and would have looked comical except for her back fat all lifter her up 3 feet. Her breasts finally sagged a little, but sloshed quietly, 3 feet in diameter. Her 5 chins helped keep them at bay while Kate drifted off to sleep, barely able to move her thick arms and her thighs were 4 feet wide with fat. She was 1050 lbs of fat and loved it.

As she slept, she dreamed of bigger days, and smiled as she waited for the food to digest in her sleep.

For you see, our gaining heroine was not only stuffed of food, but also mixed in quite a bit of weight gaining formula into EVERYTHING she could.

Kate couldn't wait until morning, drifting off to audible creaks as she felt herself getting heavier with each breath.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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