
  By Bcain

chapter 1

Rebecca glared over to her sister across the table. There the petite blond sat regaling her family with the stories of her travels across Europe, everyone entranced by her magnetic personality. She was beautiful of course; their mother’s good looks had generously been passed down to both of them. They were often mistaken for twins growing up, the only way to tell them apart being their differing hair color, but at three years Bella’s elder Rebecca’s slowing metabolism had begun to catch up with her.

Well that wasn’t necessarily true. First it was the freshman 15 she had picked up starting college, then a few subsequent pounds as she finished out her education and now post college it was her slowing metabolism. It seemed ever since she had crossed the threshold into womanhood she had struggled to maintain her weight. She was of course still gorgeous with long brown locks that hung to her shoulders and the same piercing blue eyes that her family all shared, but her smile was softened slightly by her rounding cheeks and her hourglass frame had blossomed into a more exaggerated shape through the years.

While Rebecca didn’t explicitly hate her burgeoning curves, she didn’t understand how the same fate had escaped her sister. Bella was now about to graduate college and with only one semester left she had managed to miss the freshman 15 (or any additional pounds for that matter). At 105 pounds, she had kept toned and slim throughout with no lack of partying or overindulging. It simply did make sense.

Rebecca knew she was just being jealous. She wanted to be the bigger person/sister (figuratively) and just be happy for her, but she was the much bigger sister (not figuratively) and it didn’t seem fair. It was times like this where Bella’s strong confidence and charismatic grasp on a group of people made her wonder if she’d have the same qualities had she managed to stave off the extra pounds she’d gained. The more weight Rebecca had put on the more she had pulled away from being the center of attention allowing Bella take that stage for herself. It was especially hard when sharing the same space as her sister with whom she had always been compared to growing up. Now it wasn’t just the hair color that made it easy to tell them apart.

Rebecca tried her best to not roll her eyes as her sister painted a magical picture of her trip abroad. She was sure the reality of the trip wasn’t quiet as rose colored as she was depicting, but Bella had the skill of turning any story into a fairy tale. Rebecca continued to shovel seconds and thirds on to her plate to distract herself from Bella’s flowery ranting. As she put away the thanksgiving feast she sheepishly acknowledged that maybe it wasn’t ‘just’ her slowing metabolism that had caused her to balloon to 260 pounds. At one point she secretly released the button on her constricting jeans to allow for a more comfortable experience. She quickly pulled the bulky sweater she had worn over the exposed V of her zipper that her belly now pressed forward through.

“Oh I am so glad you had a wonderful trip sweetie.” Their mother exclaimed as Bella finally released her grasp on the family.

“Yes it sounds like it was a great experience for you.” Their father added as he offered to stack the plates.

With Bella’s story finished they began to clear the table and help with the kitchen clean up. Rebecca simply slumped back wondering how she could avoid doing any of the chores. In her overstuffed state she wasn’t sure she had the mobility to make it to the couch, let alone bustle back and forth clearing the table.

“Oh, we almost forgot the ol’ tradition.” Her father piped up from the kitchen.

“Becca get in here!” Her sister called.

Rebecca could only sigh in exasperation. The breaking of the wishbone. It was a silly thing and she’d often wish they’d just forget about it, but it made her dad happy to carry on something that had been passed down through his family. Ever since the two of them had been old enough they had shared an end of the bone and been told to make a wish. Obviously it was a bunch of nonsense, but for her father’s sake she complied.

Rebecca hefted herself from her chair and tugged at the bottom hem of her sweater, making sure it covered her open jeans before slowly waddling to the kitchen. There her dad stood holding out the “magical” bone, Bella just to his side and eager to take an end.

“I can’t believe we almost forgot, get over here sis.” Bella said as she beckoned Rebecca to join her on the other side of the bone.

Taking her place next to her tiny sister their dad began to explain as he always did.

“All right girls, you know the drill, break the bone and whoever gets the bigger half gets their wish granted, so get those wishes ready.”

Rebecca looked over to her slim sister. “Why couldn’t they still be mistaken for twins like the old days? What had changed in her that had caused her to stray so far from the toned and fit form standing besides her?” She thought to herself.

She marveled at her sister’s angular jaw and waif like arms, the sliver of flat midriff that poked beneath her crop sweater, which was filled by her perky B cup chest, the way her pants hugged her toned legs and firm bubble butt.

She then looked down to her own form. The bulky sweater she wore filled with her thick arms and large DD chest that pulled at the straps of her bra, her domed belly full of thanksgiving food that tugged at the circumference of the garment, which was mean to be a size too large and threatened to exposed the evidence of her unbuttoned stretchy jeans, which clung to her overly thick thighs and wide rear end.

Just for once she wished she could be the skinny sister.

And then without even realizing it the bone snapped, drawing Rebecca’s attention back to the present.

“Becca! Looks like you win this year.” Bella exclaimed excitedly.

“Hope it was a good one honey.” Her dad added with a wink as he went back to putting the leftovers away.

“Anticlimactic as always.” Rebecca thought as she shuffled out of the kitchen to find a spot on the couch. She needed some time to relax and digest.

Bella finished helping with the dishes and then bid her parents goodbye as they made their way to the neighbors for some post meal drinks and kibitzing.

“So sis, what’d you wish for?” Bella interrupted Rebecca’s state of relaxation as she surfed the channels for something to watch.

“Nice try Bel, you know if I tell it wont come true.” Rebecca shot back at her sister.

“Ha darn, thought I’d have you there. So what else is new?” Bella asked as she shifted slightly in her spot on the couch.

“Nothing much, just working and hanging out, hard to compete with a trip to Europe that’s for sure.” Rebecca commented.

“Yeah, but things will be mellowing out now that I’m getting ready to enter the real world with you big sis.” She replied as she tugged at the waist of her jeans.

“Jeeze, I guess I had more than I thought for dinner. I do love dad’s turkey.” She added as she fumbled with the button.

“Yeah it is pretty great, so moist and juicy. Not sure what the secret is.” Rebecca added as she absentmindedly ran her hand over the swell of her filled belly.

“Yeah, the secret…” Bella trailed off as her attention was pulled from the conversation to her flat stomach.

Except it wasn’t flat. It now pooched out over the waistband of her skinny jeans. The smallest roll forming where her sweater failed to close the gap between it and the top of her jeans.

“Huh?” Bella questioned, her tone shifting from confusion to worry as she inspected herself.

This finally drew Rebecca’s attention from the TV to her sister and what she saw confused her as well.

There Bella sat, diagonal from her. Her legs splayed out along the cushions of the L shaped couch as she struggled with and finally released the button of her jeans only to have a pudgy roll force its way through to the open air.

Bella looked up to her sister with panic while Rebecca looked over the rest of her sisters swelling frame mystified.

“Becca…whats…whats happening to me?” She questioned, her voice raising slightly.

Rebecca was at a loss for words as her sister started to expand before her eyes. It wasn’t just her stomach that was affected as Rebecca now realized the rest of her sisters body was following suite. Bella was expanding all over right before her eyes.

The narrow angle of her jaw receded into the start of a second chin. Her torso filled the space of her once stylishly oversized sweater. Her stomach spilled forward into a full blow belly. Love handles had formed at her sides and the faint popping of seams confirmed that her butt and thighs were not to be spared from the process.

Bella struggled to get up from her seated position, fighting against her increasing size. In the process several seams on her right thigh gave way allowing soft flesh to come oozing out. Now in her standing position it was apparent to Rebecca that her sister had easily put on 50 pounds, but showed no signs of slowing.

“Becca, Help!” Bella shrieked as she tried to prod and stuff the fat that was accumulating on her body back into wherever it was coming from.

Rebecca struggled off the couch to meet her sister, though she was unsure of what to do.

“How could she stop this? What could she do?....The wish!” Finally it flashed across her mind as she watched her sister balloon.

Of course she had intended to wish to slim down to match Bella’s athletic form. Looking down at her still very hefty belly, she knew something had gone terribly wrong.

“But that’s all nonsense, its fake. Wishbones and all that are just a silly tradition.” Rebecca mulled over the possibility in her head until a sharp rip brought her focus back to Bella standing before her.

Bella’s jeans had finally given up on the one side, the remaining seams had loosed themselves exposing Bella’s now chunky right leg.

“Oooo” Bella groaned in relief at being freed from the tight confines of the denim.

Rebecca quickly pulled the remains of her jeans off Bella’s left leg, doing the only thing she could think of to help in the moment.

Now half naked the globes of Bella’s fattened butt cheeks seemed determined on swallowing her purple panties. Her belly did its best to inch forward and obscure the purple triangle of fabric wedged between her thighs in the front.

Above, her sweater had morphed into a bra with sleeves. It did its best to cover her inflated chest that had to be absolutely packed inside her ill-fitting bra. Her ham like arms had pulled the fabric of the sleeves to a semi-translucent state, the threads spread wide to encompass all of her girth.

“Here, sit.” Rebecca offered now that the jeans were gone there was no need to be standing.

Bella agreed, realizing how tiring standing with all the extra weight was becoming. As she flopped down on the couch a loud pop could only be recognized as her bra giving way. Her heaving chest finally giving way to gravity, the bottom of the round orbs sneaking out from below the hem of the maxed out sweater.

Tears were forming in Bella’s eyes as she looked over her still expanding body.

“Why is this happening to me Bec?” Bella squeaked out grabbing a handful of her soft love handle and jiggling it as if to test that it was real.

Rebecca struggled for an answer. “Because I wished I was the skinny sister and it backfired.” Came to mind first, but that was ridiculous. Then again, the whole situation was ridiculous, but she knew the last she wanted was to shoulder the blame for whatever this was.

“I…I don’t know Bel. I don’t know how you just became so huge all the sudden.” It was a bit of a dig and she knew it, but part of Rebecca was relishing the sight of her once slim and trim sister now fattening up beyond her own size.

Bella appeared to be easily 20 pounds heavier than Rebecca now and the swelling seemed to be slowing to a halt. Rebecca joined her sister on the couch. Rubbing her thickened shoulders in a sign of comfort and support.

“We’ll figure this out together okay Bel? I know its crazy, but I have a little bit of experience being near your current size. And Look at us, Becca and Bella, back to being nearly identical again, people might start mistaking us for twins like when we were young.” Rebecca forced a halfhearted laugh as she tried to joke with her sister realizing her wish had been fulfilled exactly as asked.

She was the skinnier of the two now, looking slightly smaller when sitting next to her now absolute butterball of a sister.

Bella’s panties were completely lost in her hip rolls, her stomach spilling between her legs and hiding them. Her hips and butt filled a space nearly three times the size of what she took up when she had first taken her seat on the couch. Her belly sat pleasantly on her thickened thighs in two rolls, which bunched up underneath the exposed bottoms of her heavy breasts. Rebecca guessed Bella had to be in the ballpark of 300 pounds now and for the first time ever she felt small sitting next to her sister. Where Rebecca had filled out somewhat evenly with her hourglass shape as she had put on weight over the years, it appeared Bella was more of a bottom heavy pear with the additional pounds.

“Okay, thanks Bec. I don’t know what I’d do with out you.” Bella replied as she threw her soft arms over her sister and pulled her in for a surprisingly plush hug.

“There is actually something you could do right now…” Bella’s words were interrupted by a long audible growl from her stomach. “Think you could pull me some leftovers from the fridge?” She continued as she looked to her sister sheepishly patting her huge belly.
1 chapter, created 2 years , updated 2 years
29   1   7772


Stevita 2 years
This has been delightful!