Weight gain stories

Weight gain

Just a Preference?

Tolsty just wants to get laid, why does every guy have to be so shallow? Sure he'd gained the freshman 15, er, 40, but he was cute! What will happen when his crush Noka has a different opinion of his body?   More ▼

Fattened by the Delivery Guy

Story about Aliya who gives in to her darkest fantasies, embarking on a journey she will never come back from. She eventually meets a guy who initially wants to save her from becoming fatter but eventually ends up feeding her fatter - end to be seen!   More ▼

Six More Months of Winter

Every Thanksgiving Scott stops hitting the gym and takes to indulging in good eating. He puts on a belly before losing it all by summer, but there's something different about this year...   More ▼

Barmaids and Beer Bellies  

Marko becomes enchanted by barmaid Helena at his local neighborhood tavern. She introduces him to a special brew that she has on tap that is guaranteed to put some pounds on you, and his life is changed forever.   More ▼

Amanda’s Tale

The Stowaway - Marooned

Sequel to The Stowaway! A man on the run found himself fattened against his will. Now trapped on a hostile island with the feeder that grew him, how will Carver survive?   More ▼

Im Pregnant With a Serial Feeder!  

A woman is possessed by the spirit of a serial feeder criminal after he used a magic talisman for immortal life to escape the cops. (Exclusive continuation)   More ▼

Feeding Maxine

I've always had fantasies of skinny girls getting fat and of fat girls getting fatter. Until now that killed my relationships. But now I've found a girlfriend who likes it, maybe even more than me. I have to ask one thing. How fat is fat enough?   More ▼

Just Desserts

They say we all get our just desserts, in time. What happens when you're a piece of work, hedonistic, selfish asshole? Some desserts are bigger than others...   More ▼

Pretty Fat Girl Gang  

The Pretty Fat Girl Gang and the Club Plush strip club have become the go to for chubby chasers. The owner Laquesia learns that Jah the drug dealer and her former feeder got out of jail and wants what he is owed. Payment? cash money or weight gained   More ▼