BDSM weight gain stories

Selling Fatties

My Thoughts as a Female Feeder (1)

Acceptance of our purpose, shall set us Free.   More ▼

Filling Out Nicely

Some say love is the attribute of the happy ones, others say you must be bigger in order to be happy and properly loved. The truth is that the wizard was determined to make her be wholly loved by others, and that involves some clothes ripping...   More ▼


Plump My Pumpkin

A disobedient piggy finds himself at the mercy of a very festive punishment   More ▼

A Captured Pig


Greedy Feedee Steals Feeder’s Food

A reverse power structure story snippet of a greedy feedee who is dominant over the feeder, pushing them into sexual service to earn food, keeping them starving and taking all the food for themselves   More ▼

An Unearthly Experience

A Stuffed Kitten

An obedient kitten gets a well-deserved stuffing from her daddy after a long day already spent eating   More ▼