Girlfriend weight gain stories

Apple Pie and the Art of Seduction

An afternoon of shopping leads Alex to a tearoom. The waitress he meets there is the most beautiful person he has a ever met, for one reason: she is fat.   More ▼

Wonderful Life, Wife

Meg comes home from a visit with her mom and sisters, carrying a few extra pounds.   More ▼

Eat, Girl, Eat

Vikki was dumped by her boyfriend for another girl and her family disproves of her gaining weight,all before Christmas.But a phone call from her friend,Jack,changes everything.   More ▼

Memory Charm

Zoe gets her memory temporarily altered by someone and gains weight while thinking shes into it   More ▼

April & Dinah

This is a variation of my previous story, "April's Growth". April and Mark are planning their wedding around April's growth. But what happens when another couple get involved?   More ▼

The Cowgirl and Her Cow Girl

Kate and Mara might lose their beloved farm, but then a witch shows up to offer a solution, by turning one of them into a cow? My first story is now fully finished and re-edited.   More ▼

What You Have Done to Me


In a dystopian modern world inhabited by fantasy species, non-humans live under the thumb of the human majority. A pampered middle-class elf girl decides to join the egalitarian resistance.   More ▼

This Is How You Write

A parody of the style many stories are written in.   More ▼

Mom's Revenge on Daughter's Fa Husband

Mom doesn't like that her slim, petite daughter has gained weight since her marriage and blames her new husband. An opportunity to get revenge presents itself.   More ▼