Mutual weight gain stories

Hellooo nurse!

Incurably ill Dean Evans has been left to die in the public hospital system. Middle-aged nurse Becky Larson heals him with her love, innate fat sexiness, and eventually something deliciously more.   More ▼

The bouncer

A model encounters a huge bouncer who asks her to try "one milkshake". Check back for more chapters!! Contains: sex scenes, lactation, wg, pig/cow transformation, breast expansion and coercion (not an endorsement of said behavior in real life! Duh)   More ▼

More and more and more to love

My fat valentine (1)

COMPLETED. Kylie and Dan have been dating for three years and three hundred pounds. On their Valentine's Day date, Kylie's boyfriend takes advantage of the fact that his habits have clearly rubbed off on her figure throughout the years.   More ▼

Isolation bellies

A young couple has to isolate themselves due to the Coronavirus. The frustration of being cooped up leads eating too much and gaining weight. Last chapter posted, I hope it gave you something to enjoy while we're in quarantine.   More ▼

Quitting the gym

Rita is a fit girl. She stays in shape and goes to the gym regularly, but all that is about to change when her new roommate Jessica moves in. Jess has a secret, she loves the way chubby girls look and she loves watching her roommate indulge herself.   More ▼

Involuntary gain and spousal gain

A widower marries a cute little hottie from the office. He starts putting on weight and starts to become obese, he thinks his new little wife might have something to do with his gaining.   More ▼

Fattening a nation  

A young worker notices as not only his belly grows but as the customers he serves bellies grow as well. Could this be the doing of someone he knows?   More ▼

A new type of therapy

John moves into a town and sets up a new brand of therapy. His clients always come out changed. (A little slower burn than my last story)   More ▼

Trailer park bellies

Matt and Sally move to Wyoming for him to work the oil fields on the drill rigs. Sally stays home in their trailer. On their first morning there, she get invited to a life changing breakfast with some of the other wives.   More ▼