Sexy weight gain stories

The Bbq

(Weight Gain, Multiple, BBW, BHM, Magic) Friends gather for food around a mysterious BBQ grill.   More ▼

The Beauty and the Feast  

Elena’s life is flipped upside down when she inherits her late grandmothers ancient mansion. She discovers her alternate dimension ancestors would create great human-HOGS! An erotic, extreme-feedism story, a hog for her handsome feeder!   More ▼

The Fattest Space Empress  

A mechanic girl gets swept up into a politically arranged marriage that will save the galaxy. The weight of the empire and galaxy goes right to her hips!   More ▼

Your Wish Is My Command Master  

Mani-feast Destiny

Itching for further exploits, capitalists and colonizers turn to a newly discovered island to prey upon its plunders. Their indulgence is not without consequence, however, and they soon find themselves faced with the price of their own hubris.   More ▼


When Rachel responds to a reddit forum post looking for a paid feedee she never imagines just how much her life is going to change. Which will grow more, her bank balance or her waistline?   More ▼

Dan’s Beauty Serum 6: Queen Bee


Darla has been with Steve for about a year when she starts gaining weight. She loves that Steve is suddenly enthusiastic and passionate in bed, and is pretty sure she knows why.   More ▼

My Friends Dad

observation of a friends father losing his wife, and hopefully his thin body   More ▼


Scrawny Samuel thinks he could meet the love of his life - if only he were bigger! His wish is granted by a mysterious fortune teller, and in the end Samuel gets a lot more than what he bargained for!   More ▼