Sexy weight gain stories

A Nightmare on Helm Street  

The Beast

'The Beast' was the hottest guy in Lisa's high school. But it wasn't his height, muscle or skills at football that earned him the name. It was his monstrous appetite.   More ▼

Growing (part One)  

Eliza has always had a big appetite, and her best friend and roommate Margot has always been there to support her, but will she still be there when Eliza's eating goes completely out of control?   More ▼

Getting Her "just Desserts"  

One Ton Honey  

This is a dark story about a woman who vows to push herself beyond her limits, becoming the fattest human being on the planet. Psychological horror, sexuality and death feedism themes abound. You've been warned!   More ▼

The Venus Buffet

A husband and wife stumble upon a buffet run by a sly mysterious SSBBW who helps to unleash their hidden desires. [Story Complete.]   More ▼


James has a ridiculous crush on a guy that would never fall for him... would he?   More ▼


(IN PROGRESS) Pathetic gamer boy gets fattened reluctantly. Partially written using AI. Slow-burn, lots of dialogue, graphic sexual encounters, and my own personal kinks.   More ▼

Dom Knows Best

When Mac finds a wealthy ally who can help him experience his kink, will things go too far?   More ▼

Amanda’s Tale