Sexy weight gain stories

Miracle Pill

When the cure for world hunger is created and food becomes only good for getting fat, how will this effect the relationship between Abbie and her feeder girlfriend Jess. **COMPLETE** **Very sexual in nature   More ▼

The Weight of a Marriage

Clint and Eva are newlyweds celebrating their wedding, only to find out the next day that there's a lot of weight that comes along with that commitment. [Story Complete]   More ▼

Chain of Command

The Black Widow

Nate visits Mistress Avarice's dungeon and finds that the best way to please his mistress is going to make him a lot bigger *Contains strong BDSM and graphic weight gain/feeding scenes*   More ▼

Insured Gains

An assistant takes notice of her bosses gain and sees the perfect opportunity to let him know she appreciates his changing body. (Completed!)   More ▼

Gaining a Little More Then Just Love  

Rosie didn't know exactly what she was looking for when Lena entered her life but she'll soon realize Lena is awakening long since surpressed desires in her and will force her to confront her fantasies.   More ▼

Fat for a Day (tdmmdi Book 1)

The Devil Made Me Do It (Book 1) - Patrick has always fantasized about what it would be like to be fat... He makes a deal with a charismatic stranger to experience his fantasy for just one day. But things don't necessaily go as planned...   More ▼

Growing (part Two)  

Eliza's out of control eating leads her back into the arms of an old feeder. Margot doesn't approve of this, but she is discovering that she and Eliza may have more in common than she ever thought.   More ▼

Food Porn  

Cristina wants to be a Las Vegas showgirl, and it seemed like her dreams were going nowhere until she meets a handsome stranger who convinces her that success will come for her once she doubles in size and weight.   More ▼

A Moment on the Lips...

I’ve always kept my sweet tooth under control but I’ve lost some will power. Outside forces tempt me to loosen up a bit. Once in a while can’t hurt, right? How’s that saying go? A moment on the lips.... I can’t remember the rest of it.   More ▼