Sexy weight gain stories

Who's the Fat Sister Now?

What Happened to You?  

CYOA in which you get rescued and fattened by a BBW billionaire vigilante. But as you gain, be wary of what you'll lose along the way...   More ▼

The Boss’s Daughter

Jack Falls in love with the boss’s daughter after being trapped in an elevator together, but after they get to know each other better, it turns out they have much more in common than just circumstance.   More ▼

Like Em Fat…

A Bbw decides that she doesn’t just want to embrace her own fat, she wants to encourage her boyfriend to enjoy the fat lifestyle with her.   More ▼

The House Sitter

New chapters added. Carter agrees to house-sit, he meets Sydney, who encourages his plump figure. Includes a BHM, slender ffa, eating, stuffing, gaining, intimacy, teasing, shaming, romance.   More ▼

The Weight of Love

Female Weight Gain | Fit to fat | Magic Audio-Visual-Novel on YouTube! This Story follows Emily, a star athlete whose disciplined life is upended by a curse. Each encounter with Steven brings dramatic changes to her body.   More ▼

Choose Obesity

Growing Comfortable

(Completed) Nico is a huge fitness freak who's very uptight about his body. And yet he's always had a thing for fat... His life changes forever when he starts dating Bruce, who wants to lose weight and makes him a very interesting proposition.   More ▼

Softball and Stuffings: a Success Story

A struggling college softball player decides to give in to her desires. Her body begins to grow, and her passion for her sport follows suit.   More ▼

Her Crush