Sexy weight gain stories

Once Around the Sun  

Follow the journey of a new couple in their first year as they explore what happens when they combine food and pleasure. Told in a mixed first and second-person perspective where the feeder is gender-neutral.   More ▼

Fat Kitten

The Unidentified Fattening Object

Desperate to escape her hectic life, Zoe leaves the city for an extended camping trip in the woods. One night as she sits alone at her campsite, an interstellar object crash lands nearby, changing her life forever.   More ▼

Naughty Nicola and Dolly's Day Off  

On Dolly's day off, a beautiful woman named Nicola shows up at the door saying that her boyfriend sent her to keep Dolly company while he finishes his shift. But who is Nicola, exactly?   More ▼

Ella Takes Control

Jake discovers a side of Ella he's never seen before when they move into their new home.   More ▼

The Temptation of Dumpling

Your biggest fear is also your greatest temptation -- that you could surrender so thoroughly to the seductive little demonic voice inside your head. What happens when you give in and let yourself go? (Written in 2nd person style to you, dear reader)   More ▼

Christine and Melany: Destined to Be Big  

Since Katie left the house, Christine and Melany have been behaving out of control. Their eating habits and love for gaining have consumed their mindset. All they want is to be as fat as possible. But everything has a prize. Literally.   More ▼

Release of Control

Stella has been aware of her attraction to the idea of being fat since middle school. She endured years of internalized bodily shame and disordered eating. Now in her late 20s, she cannot deny herself of these desires any longer.   More ▼


A series of stories about Pete the Pizza delivery boy and Sarah as she gains weight from his irresistible pizza.   More ▼

Growing Fat for Liz