Sexy weight gain stories

Fat Guy Falls Down  

A bumbling, clumsy college professor has the day from hell but gets a nice surprise when he gets home to his lovely wife.   More ▼

Prey & Predator

Erica, a young plump college loner is in the crosshairs of a handsome and manipulative feeder that has very big changes planned for her.   More ▼


Growing Her Family  

Lisa bites off more than she can chew when a romantic anniversary dinner leads to an expansion in her family.   More ▼

Feedist Short Stoires

A collection of one off Short Stories around feedism. Mostly Feedee POV   More ▼

Guapo & Bonita  

A married couple with kids are living the boring working life thinking their romance is over. They were wrong.   More ▼

The Retired Model

Fictional story. Natalie is just your regular girl next door. But she hides a secret. She used to be a fetish model, one of the very best at that and now she navigates the narrow path between falling into her old ways or continue her boring life   More ▼

Stuck With a Gut

Brook, a bratty, busty, and chronically hungover party girl, winds up lifeguarding over the summer, and indulging to her heart’s content. (Slight WG [WG denial, Stuckage, Embarrassment, Sex)   More ▼

The Leprechaun: Part 1 of 3  

Set in modern Las Vegas---a city that screams 'indulgence'---a feeder tries his luck as the feedee with the help of a little Irish magic.   More ▼

The Driver and Miss Madeline  

Miss Madeline is a wealthy, aging bachelorette who seduces her fill-in chauffeur Evan after getting drunk at a cocktail party. Through her persistent hiccups, she opens herself up and forms a bond with this perfect stranger.   More ▼